Michael Sosteric | The Socjournal


Humanity used to believe in God, but now they believe in Darwin. This is a bit of an extreme statement, since most people still believe in God, but the sentiment is accurate. Darwin’s theories of the MECHANISMS of evolution has had a major impact on the social, emotional, and even spiritual fabric of this planet. There is a problem though. In a lot of ways Darwin’s theories seem more like canon, or ideology, than good science. This article explores early awareness of the ideological nature of Darwinian theory, and provides some suggestions on how scientists can break free of dogma that has more to do with religion than with good science.

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What is money? What is the nature of money? This is a problem that has occupied Sociologists since Karl Marx wrote his magnum opus, Das Kapital. If you guy by Karl M’s massive, or by any of the many Economics 100 texts (which often don’t even bother to define money), money is a mystified, magical thing that requires incredible effort to understand. In reality though that’s not the case. Money is simply abstracted labour, pure and simple. Once you understand that, then you have the key to understanding the whole of modern society, including the pernicious problems we all face, problems caused by the easy way money allows us to accumulate labour.

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This is the abstract

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The following is the unit introduction from the Athabasca University course, Sociology of Religion, that I teach and coordinate. I include it here because it shows the perspective on religion that I am developing, and gives a bit of an orientation to the subject. Personally I am quite friendly with mystical experiences, spirituality, and religion. However any Sociological analysis of religion must start with a foundation. I’m currently writing an introductory textbook on the Sociology of Religion entitled Sociology of Religion: A Mystical and Scientific Approach. I’ll be posting that introduction to the book on Socjourn shortly. It will contain the citations and background research left out, for pedagogical reasons, in this student introduction. You can sign up for the course by clicking this link. You can also jump to Unit Two

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The following is the unit introduction from the Athabasca University course, Sociology of Religion, that I teach and coordinate. I include it here because it shows the perspective on religion that I am developing, and gives a bit of an orientation to the subject. Personally I am quite friendly with mystical experiences, spirituality, and religion. However any Sociological analysis of religion must start with a foundation. I’m currently writing an introductory textbook on the Sociology of Religion entitled Sociology of Religion: A Mystical and Scientific Approach. I’ll be posting that introduction to the book on Socjourn shortly. It will contain the citations and background research left out, for pedagogical reasons, in this student introduction. You can sign up for the course by clicking this link. You can also jump to Unit Two

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The following little editorial is a response to an article in our local small town newspaper, the St. Albert Gazette. They write a response to current issues called “Our View” and in the one I am responding to, they make …

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Please take a moment to complete this survey on public understanding and awareness of the Tarot deck. It should take less than two minutes to complete. The survey is part of Michael Sosterics Athabsca University Sociology of Religion course (visit course page). Results will be reported at the Socjourn (http://www.sociology.org) when the survey is complete.

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What does Psychology, Sociology, Behaviourism, and emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual abuse have to do with each other? A concern with uplifting the human being, transcending pain and suffering, and moving towards holistic health and wellbeing. Or not. Sometimes it is just about command, control, and fitting people into the System. But not here, and not from now on. The winds of change are blowing, a hurricane is coming, and no amount of self delusion, self deception, or social propaganda are going to turn those winds away.

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It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. No, really I do. I know a lot of people might be a little anxious and nervous, but I see mostly good things ahead if, that is, we can put aside our differences and learn to exploit the revolutionary opportunities now emerging together, as a global family, and not separate, as a bunch of warring class, ethnic, and gender factions.

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Does it seem like the world is going to hell in a hand basket? Hard to conclude otherwise when children are massacred as in recent fashion. If you want to understand why however, maybe it is time to put aside “stock” answers and look past clichés about God, madness, and guns. If you are interested in a deeper look at the world we live in, sociologists can help.

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