My Kid's Books – LP Kid's Books –

Tagalog (Philippines)

Crystal Child site

I love my children and I think childhood is a precious and magical time. Unfortunately, I also believe that on this planet we, and by “we” I mean everybody, systematically abuse our children. The rates of physical and sexual abuse are, frankly, horrendous and should give any reasoning adult cause to pause and reflect. The damage to the physical unit that is caused by these direct assaults, which are typically perpetrated by the people who are supposed to protect us (our fathers, mothers, uncles, and even priests), is horrific. Once the damage is done it can take a long time to heal. Sadly however it is not just the direct physical and sexual assaults that cause damage. Because The System is all about disempowering us and making us lay down in impotent, sleepy servitude, we all experience damage to one extent or another. In my view there isn’t anything redeemable in our current educational or socialization practices. We have to build something new.The children’s books that I write are a step in that direction. Rather than teaching children the value of impotence and servitude, and rather than sending children the message that they are broken, unworthy, and in need of tutelage, these books teach children about their light, power, divinity, and entitlement. In the lingo of The Lightning Path, these books align the physical unit with its animating consciousness and facilitate the expansion of consciousness into the body, rather than its suppression. Although these books cannot stand alone against the horrible onslaught of competition, ranking, hierarchy, and conditional love we spew at our children, they can provide a strong alternative message and they are reminders to us (the “adults”) that there is a different way to look at things. In this sense they can provide an inoculation for our children and the seeds of a parental and educational rethinking.  You can find out more about the books by visiting my Crystal Child site. You can also order the books from amazon (links below) or from The Lightning Path Press. {sa 0978096959} {sa 1897455704}

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