National Academy of Science | The Socjournal

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Jan 23, 2012 | Comments 1

Science, science, science. Has there ever been a thing more wondrous and beautiful, terrible and ugly, than science? From acetylsalicylic acid to atom bombs, Prozac to Pontiac, it is impossible to deny that science is at least partially responsible. So find out more about it, and teach your students well. Make Good Science a textbook in your methods, theory, or even introductory class.

In Good Science, Tim McGettigan argues that the pursuit of truth has often radically transformed conceptions of the cosmos while also instigating profound transformations in social reality. From Galileo, to Darwin, Einstein and beyond, landmark achievements in science have transformed the way that we perceive and live in the real world. While science has certainly been blamed for many problems (e.g., overpopulation, pollution, global warming, nuclear waste, nuclear Armageddon, etc.), McGettigan also insists that science has also created far more advantages, comforts and opportunities than anyone could have imagined even a generation ago. Therefore, McGettigan concludes that, if we want to create a better, brighter future, then we will need good scientists to continue to pursue more challenging problematics that will, in turn, transform today’s fantasies (such as: artificial intelligence, immortality, and, yes!, even 100 Year Starships, into tomorrow’s realities.

Down the podcast.

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