
The Great Awakening – Awaken, Empower, Ascend

Tagalog (Philippines)


Check it out here.

상승의 참고서 – 쿤달리니 활성화를 위한 실천지침 (A4, B5) Dossier of the Ascension. Thanks as always go to 오세준 for his tireless work.


A new korean translation of The Parable of the Garden is available at the following link.

As a side note, Author royalties on the sales of book translations will go directly to the translator who translated the books. Standard royalties apply – 10% of cover price.



In addition to all the web site translating he’s been doing, Hans Carlsson and Lisa Forstenius have graciously provided a Swedish translation for Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy. It is available at the translations page. A print copy will be made available for purchase as well in the near future. Thank you, Thank you,Thank you, Hans and Lisa!!!



A new tarot card analysis for the Halo/Sharp tarot system (LP Intermediate) has been posted for the card GAIA. Click this link to view and discuss.


There are no translations available.

Fire up those right brains and bring them on over. There’s a message in rhyme and the reason is clear.

Aaannnyywaaay. I’ve started to discourse on the right brain component (i.e. symbolism) of the LP.I’ve added an excurses on the symbolism of the sword (i.e. the Archangel Michael’s sword) that figures on the forum home page.  It is all about the transition from the old, hierarchical, Annunaki old world to the new Divine world order. Do you see the transition in the image? Getting from one side to another is simple, commit to the Truth. And that is with a capital “T.” If you ask me, you should demand nothing less.


A new Korean translation for Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy: Accumulation and Debt is now available in the translations section of the site (see top menu link). Gracious thanks go out to 옮긴이 Michell Lee.


A professional Swedish translator by the name of Hans Carlsson has agreed to translate the LP books into Swedish, starting with the Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy! (download the book). The level of volunteer support for translations of this body of work continues to amaze me, especially considering that it is not a question of a few hours of work, but several months of effort at the minimum. I am humbled and honored.


A new Korean translation of The Book of Light is now available. Thanks to 오세준 for the amazing work. He has now translated The Great Awakening, The Book of Life, and The Book of Light.


As you see, I have a new site online. This new site is a considerable improvement over the hodgepodge of information and multi-site structure of the past. Before browsing around, here are a few things you should know, and a few things you need to do, to get the most out of this new site.


Welcome to the new website!. The current site is under heavy construction and will be so for the next week or two as I finalize the integration of information and services. If you experience any problems, contact me.

Current subscribers and users should read this article for information on what’s new.


I have made slight modifications to the “four levels of the LP page” Specifically I’ve made it the “five” levels of LP. I’ve changed the number “four” to five in two places, and added a extra paragraph. The date of this change is July 1, 2010


I’ve completed work on the LP Core section of this website. Aside from light grammatical changes or typo fixes, and possibly some minor additions in the future, there should be no further changes to content in this section.

You may find the materials underneath the MAIN MENU->LP Core. All items excluding The Basics which will be superseded by content in The Basic Book but including KEY CONCEPTS and the definitions associated with General Spirituality, Cosmology and Theology, and LP Psychology. These may be found by selecting CONTENT ELEMENT->WEBLINKS in the Joom!Fish translation menu.

In the future I will post all significant changes and additonls to the LP Core section in the translator news section.




I’ve updated a few of the pages under the LP menu (main menu). A few changes in the -Quick Start Guide -What is the Lightning Path and -The Four Levels of LP I’ve also added a page, The Next Step


I’ve added a “greetings and welcome to the lightning path” page underneath the usermenu. This is a welcome page and provides initial orientation and guidance. This is just a heads up to let you know the page is available for translations.




Hi all. Well, translators are slowly finding their way to these web pages so I thought it was probably time to setup a little space on the website for more direct communications. This is it. I’ve added a “translator menu” on the right hand side menu system and this menu item currently includes the “pages ready to translate” page, “translators welcome,” and a news blog (what you are currently reading). You can check this space periodically for any relevant news or updates on the work of translating these pages.

BTW, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have volunteered to translate these pages. Personally I think the work you are doing is extremely important and I hope one day soon to have the $$ to offer something in return. At this point it’s a little hard because we give away the information to anybody who asks, but I think that will change. In the meantime know that your efforts to bring this message and this work to the people of earth is much appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
