Power visualizations – LP Advanced Articles –

The visualizations provided on this page are “power” visualizations. They’ll help you with not only your own awakening process, but with the awakening process of others as well.  In other words, you can use these on yourself or, if you have decided that it is your path to assist others, you can apply the visualization to those in your life space.

You can expect these to work as described, especially if you precede them with a quick go around with the Great Invocation. Keep that in mind as you use these with caution, consideration, integrity, and compassion.

Cleansing Visualization

If you find yourself getting sucked down by the negativity, fear, and anger that surrounds you, or even if you notice that there is a lot of negativity, fear, and anger around you, try this cleansing meditation. It’s very simple but very effective.

See your body covered with a thick coating of wet, gloppy, mud. This is the mud and dirt that is slopped on you as you work and live amongst those who flail in darkness and blindness. Don’t let this drag you down though. Stand up tall and strong Use your hands to start scooping this gloppy mess off. Start at your head and work down to your toes. As you do this, as you clean more of the putrid and disgusting glop from your body, you slowly begin to reveal a beautiful, white, glowing  figure. A few more strokes from your hands and all the glop is gone and you stand there strong, proud, and filled with the light of your own higher self. Smile and repeat as necessary.

Banishment Visualization

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