Practical components – LP Advanced Study Guide –

The practical work at this level is what you will probably think of as classic spiritual work. Up until now we’ve been focused on repairing the worst of the damage to the physical unit. This repair has involved chakra activation, getting the energies flowing, clearing issues, clearing our headspace of the ugliness of system indoctrination, embracing right thinking, and so on. Now at the advanced level, and with your body’s mind and physical systems operating better, it is time to move on.

At the advanced level there are basically two goals. On the one hand the advanced level is focused on advanced spiritual communication. Here I want to begin the process of putting you in touch with the power and glory of your own higher consciousness. In new age speak I’d say that at this point I want to get you “channeling” (i.e. communicating with the spiritual realms) but honestly that is a pretty crude and disempowering way of viewing the process. When people say they are channeling they typically mean to say that they are an empty vessel for some “higher” consciousness. They get their bodily consciousness “out of the way” and allow some “higher” consciousness to “use” them to communicate “higher” truths that the individual themselves feels they are not capable of understanding, and not wise enough to take responsibility for.

Many people think that “channeling” is a big deal and that it is a sign of spiritual advancement, but it’s not necessarily. In fact, channeling can sometimes occur because of psychological dysfunction. For example, individuals with shattered egos and non-existent boundaries will sometimes accidentally connect with The Fabric of Consciousness. In any case, anybody can channel and often anybody does. In fact, more and people these days are channeling both spontaneously and by design and while under healthier global conditions that might be a good thing, at this point it is not. To be perfectly honestly, channeling is not something you want to do while unprepared. As humans we have this modern arrogance that our “normal” every day conscious rationality is cool and powerful because it’s allowed us to build bigger and more powerful machines, but to be perfectly blunt, when compared against the true nature and scope of consciousness as it exists in its unfiltered and unwatered down state, “normal” consciousness is bloody joke. It is literally the difference between your conscious state while sleeping at night, and your conscious state while wake. It is dramatic and stark and not something you should jump into unprepared for. As explained in The Book of Magic, if your psychological or physical functioning has been impaired by a faulty socialization process, if you come in with a weak ego or weak boundaries, if your independent psychological functioning  has been undermined by a pathological childhood experience, if your trust has been decimating and your understanding of the Truths of spirit never developed, you are not advised to “open a channel.” When you are unprepared, wading into The Waters unprepared can lead to everything from the paranoid neurosis to the complete and pathological dissolution of your body’s ego boundaries (i.e. schizophrenia). In short, anything from neurosis to psychosis is possible.

Now, I’m not saying this to scare you, just to encourage a bit of healthy respect for something that none of us have taught to understand properly. You definitely want to think before you start to “channel.” I’m not exaggerating when I say that if you go in unprepared, and if things go wrong for, it may take a log time (possibly decades under current conditions) for you to straighten out. And what’s worse, if you go unprepared and loose your fitting, you may take others down with you, and you really want to avoid that. It’s bad enough when an ego gets out of hand, its worse when they start leading others off the garden path.

Of course, if you have been following the Lighting Path, and if you’ve taken the time to heal your body and mind, you don’t have to worry. All the materials on the Lightning Path, from the grounding and protections rituals you are taught at at the core level, to the archetypal revisions and energetic activations of the intermediate level have been designed for no other purpose than to to prepare you for your efforts to reconnect.

After all, this is the goal of spirituality!

The whole point of walking a spiritual path is to get you (and by “you” I mean your body/mind) to connect more fully with its animating consciousness. All Paths, if they are authentic paths, lead here. All paths lead to the point of reconnection and the embrace of The Fabric of Consciousness. With that in mind at the LP Advanced level we begin your formal spiritual connection training. We aren’t going to call it “channeling” though. As understood by most people, “channeling” is a very passive and impotent process and here we want you to take active control of and (more importantly responsibility for) the process. The bottom line is you, and not some disembodied entity from ancient Egypt, need to be in the driver’s seat. We’re also not going to just throw the doors wide open (as we sometimes do with entheogens) and hope for the best. At the LP Advanced level we’ll provide careful guidance and assistance on opening and controlling the connection. Interestingly enough we’ll use the Halo/Sharp tarot as the tool of choice for this process of guided reconnection with The Fabric.

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