Scholarly Exchange: Open Access Resources

Making Open Access Affordable and Sustainable

The Open Access Movement

Scholars have one primary obligation to themselves and society. That is to develop new knowledge and share it openly with each other and society.

The Open Access movement has arisen partly in response to that desire and partly in response to the growing costs associated with traditional scholarly publishing efforts. Increasingly, new knowledge is being placed behind financial firewalls that impede access and benefit primarily the packagers rather than the producers of this valuable information.

For more information on activities related to Open Access, the following resources will be of benefit:

Open Access Blog and Newsletter (Peter Suber)

Directory of Open Access Journals

Open Content Alliance

OA Librarian Blog

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)

Budapest Open Access Initiative




The true costs of e-publishing…

Andrew Odlyzko: The Economics of Electronic Journals

Mike Sosteric: The Upcoming Revolution in the Scholarly Communication System

Carl Bergstrom and Theodore Bergstom: The Economics of Scholarly Journal Publishing