SchoolVaxView School Vaccination Requirements and Exemptions

Use the School Vaccination Requirements, Exemptions, and Web Links tool to identify state specific vaccination requirements and allowable exemptions for childcare, kindergarten, middle school, colleges, and universities vaccination requirements for school entry.

NOTE: These data are provided by state immunization programs through the annual school assessment report submitted to CDC by April 30 each year. Any discrepancies should be reported to the individual state health departments in order to correct the data as soon as possible.

State Vaccination Requirements Report


See the state vaccination requirements by selecting any combination of

  • Grantee/State
    Choose a State or U.S. Territory. If report shows no data, the state/U.S. territory did not collect data for period reported.
  • Grade
    Select among childcare, kindergarten, middle school, and college/ university for purposes of this report and for which data are collected.
  • Vaccine
    Select one or more vaccines for those attending grades listed above.

Report results:

  • Vaccine(s)
  • Number of doses
  • Requirement details
  • Effective date
  • Any additional comments

State Allowable Exemptions for Schools Report


View a list of allowable exemptions for one or all grantee/state. Allowable exemptions and required documentation varies by state. Please check the specific state health department web site for exemptions allowed in that state. Or, use the described below.

Report results:

  • Permanent or temporary medical exemptions
    Administration of one or more vaccines would be detrimental to the health of an individual. Most states categorize this type of exemption as temporary or permanent, and the definition for each state varies. Some states allow vaccination exemptions for certain diseases if medical documentation shows proof of immunity. Immunity can be proven if your child had the natural disease
  • Religious exemptions
    Administration of one or more vaccines contradicts religious beliefs
  • Philosophical exemptions
    Administration of one or more vaccines contradicts personal beliefs

State Vaccination Requirements Websites (State Web Links) Report


Access links to each grantee/state’s website. Because requirements vary by state be sure to go to the state’s “requirements” web page to get details.

  • state health department site
  • state immunization program site
  • school requirements web site