Site Map « The Socjournal

Click on the arrow icon beside each category to display or hide all items within the chosen category. Summaries of each page may be hidden or shown by clicking the plus icon next each item. Use the Options menu to expand or contract all items, display or hide summaries or sort the table of contents.

  • About 

    June 11, 2009, 10:58

    Founded January 28th, 2010, the Socjournal is a new media journal intended to offer sociologists a window into the world of new media communications. Recognizin…

  • How to contribute 

    January 28, 2010, 14:11

    The Socjournal currently needs: Regular column contributors. People who will write one or two longer essays per month. (contact us with your suggestions) …

    • How to Submit 

      May 31, 2010, 11:13

      To submit a paper Read the submission guide. Register on this site by clicking this link. Contact Dr. Mike Sosteric with your username. Login and…

    • Submission Guide 

      February 13, 2010, 22:23

      The Socjourn is a new media sociology journal. We accept submissions from sociologists, graduate students, and multidisciplinary practitioners with an interest…

  • EJS Archives 

    January 28, 2010, 14:14

    This is the complete archive of the Electronic Journal of Sociology. The journal went into abatement in 2008 as a result of family pressure, and the sheer…

  • Visitor map 

    January 28, 2010, 19:18

    No description found for this item.

  • Login 

    May 13, 2010, 15:51

    To login or register, click this link. Contributors are expected to post their own materials. Contributors or potential contributors should contact Dr. Mike…

  • Contact 

    May 31, 2010, 11:12

    To contact us with questions about submission, or to open a publisher’s account, please email Dr. Mike Sosteric [email protected]. Note that Athabasca…

    • Your book here 

      July 26, 2010, 19:52

      Book/Novel/Resource advertising This is a paid advertising slot, however all books go through an editorial review prior to acceptance to assess suitability…

  • Courses 

    June 17, 2010, 11:08

    The following pages contain sociology courses provided by various institutions.  These courses are free to view online, but links are provided to the…

    • Sociology 101 – Social Movements 

      April 23, 2010, 12:57

      The following course, Sociology 101 (currently Sociology 288) , is a junior level sociology course provided by Athabasca University’s Center for Global and…

      • Unit 1: Social Movements, Social Class, and Power 

        June 21, 2010, 12:17

        The great movements of our time against war and for global democracy are very much concerned with communication and power . . . . —(Miller & Dinan, 2008,…

      • Unit 2: The End of Homework 

        June 23, 2010, 12:26

        In a course on social movements and social issues, a critical text on homework may seem a little incongruous on a couple of levels. First, being registered at…

      • Unit 4: Competition 

        June 29, 2010, 13:40

        he higher the concentration of competition in any interaction, the less likely it is to be enjoyable and the more likely it is to be destructive to our self…

      • Unit 3: Media and Ideology 

        June 25, 2010, 12:40

        Note: Before we begin, we ask that you contact the Athabasca University Library to request that either the film Thank You for Smoking or the Matrix trilogy…

      • Bibliography and References and Additional Resources 

        February 1, 2011, 18:06

        Atton, C. (2003, April 1). Reshaping Social Movement for a New Millenium. Social Movement Studies, 2 (3-15). Retrieved January 21, 2011 from http://mediaresearc…

      • Unit 6: Antiwar Movements, Internet Analysis and Final Paper 

        February 1, 2011, 18:09

        In this unit, we conclude our introductory look at social movements by looking at current anti-war movements, and by examining the Internet and the WWW as…

      • Unit 5: Global Issues 

        February 1, 2011, 18:12

        In this unit, we jump right into an analysis of social movements by taking a whirlwind tour of some of the economic, political and social issues (and movements)…

      • Ideology and Social Movements – Introduction 

        June 18, 2010, 11:04

        Sociology 288 is designed to introduce you to the study of social movements from a sociological perspective. Typically, when sociologists talk about social…

    • Sociology 100 – Introduction to Sociology 

      October 5, 2010, 13:45

      The following course, Sociology 100: Introduction to Sociology (currently Sociology 287) , is a junior level sociology course provided by Athabasca…

      • Unit 1 – Introduction to Sociology 

        October 6, 2010, 10:22

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Have a basic understanding of the discipline of sociology and the sorts of questions…

      • Unit 2 – Research Methods 

        October 6, 2010, 10:24

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Understand the importance of evidence and reasoned assessment to working with the…

      • Unit 3 – Culture 

        October 6, 2010, 10:26

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Define culture, counter culture, high culture, mass culture, ideal culture, real…

      • Unit 4 – Socialization 

        October 6, 2010, 10:29

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Define socialization. 2.  Be able to identify agents of socialization and their…

      • Unit 5 – Deviance 

        October 6, 2010, 10:30

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Distinguish between absolute and statistical definition of deviance. 2.  Be able…

      • Unit 6 – The Family 

        October 6, 2010, 10:33

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Identify what is meant by the phrase “diversity of the family. 2.  Outline the…

      • Unit 7 – Social Inequality and Stratification 

        October 6, 2010, 10:37

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Define and provide examples of social inequality in Canada and other countries. 2. …

      • Unit 8 – Race and Ethnicity 

        October 6, 2010, 10:39

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1.  Describe the concept of master narratives and buried knowledge. 2.  Discuss the…

      • Unit 9 – Gender and Sexuality 

        October 6, 2010, 10:41

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will be able to: Identify gender inequalities in their work and life. Discuss the basic theoretical…

      • Unit 10 – Final Essays 

        October 6, 2010, 10:47

        Objectives At the end of this unit, students will: Understand the political and economic meaning of empire. Understand the importance of power in…

  • Site Map 

    October 18, 2010, 14:21

    No description found for this item.

  • Ask a Sociologist 

    November 29, 2010, 19:09

    No description found for this item.

  • Writing Tips 

    February 8, 2011, 12:33

    The following articles contain tips for being a better writer. They are designed to help sociologists and social science students learn to communicate…

    • How to Write Badly 

      August 30, 2010, 14:28

      1. Start with a simple statement: We quit because nobody knew how to program the computer. 2. Put it in the passive voice, to dilute the responsibility:…

  • Advertising Options 

    April 27, 2011, 14:56

    Sidebar Rotating Strip (295 by 16px) – Twenty Dollars per month. Approximately 25,000 impressions per month. CPM = .22%. Advertising limited to three banners…

  • Our Readers 

    May 2, 2011, 13:23

    Here is a basic demographic breakdown of you, our reader. As you can see, you are about equally male and female. You are also highly educated and (since the…

  • What is Sociology? 

    January 29, 2010, 15:17

    So here you are, a student with a sociology textbook in one hand and this “primer” in the other, ready to study sociology. Congratulations! It’s a…

  • Category: Announcements  (12)

    CFPs, disciplinary announcements, and other news relevant to Sociologists and their students

    • Got what it takes? by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 5, 2010, 11:20

      Do you have what it takes to use your sociological imagination? Do you have what it takes to step outside the staid box of intellectual insentience? C…

    • Solving Social Problems by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      June 30, 2010, 20:33

      Announcing a New Book Series Series Editor: Bonnie Berry, Director of the Social Problems Research Group, USA Solving Social Problems provides a…

    • Take the reader survey by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 6, 2010, 10:15

      From a monthly unique hit rate of just under 6,000, the Socjourn has grown, in less than a year, to over 30,000 unique hits a month, a quarter of a million…

    • Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science by Craig Calhoun by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 7, 2010, 15:38

      Columbia University Press is pleased to announce the publication of Robert K. Merton: Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science, edited by Craig…

    • Book Release – Feminism is Queer by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 15, 2010, 13:38

      Feminism is Queer is an introduction to the intimately related disciplines of gender and queer theory. Whilst guiding the reader through complex theory, the…

    • HEY YOU!!! by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      November 18, 2010, 12:31

      Think you got what it takes to be a writer? Wanna put that expensive social science education to good use? Wanna rev up that creative right brain? Wanna…

    • Ask a Sociologist by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      November 25, 2010, 13:34

      So you got some questions? Want to know why things are? Need to have answers? Don’t know where to turn? Well then why don’t you ask a sociologist (reverb…

    • Rebel Rank and File by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      December 6, 2010, 12:47

      Rebel Rank and File uncovers the hidden of the 1970s labour movement with thirteen cogent essays from labor historians, activists and writers. Topics range…

    • R.I.P. David Noble by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 2, 2011, 10:58

      David Franklin Noble died of a sudden illness in Toronto on December 27, 2010. Noble was an internationally acclaimed scholar and courageous activist,…

    • R.I.P. Daniel Bell by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 15, 2011, 19:21

      Sociology mourns the passing of one of its own. Daniel Bell died in January after a long life of passionate engagement with many of the most important…

    • Demography and Democracy: Essays on Nationalism, Gender and Ideology by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 23, 2011, 19:28

      “In stunning readings of culture, politics, identity, gender and ethnicity, Bannerji exposes the grave dangers lurking in demographic politics of blood, soil…

    • The State of the Art: A Comprehensive Review of Textbooks in Social Problems by: lutzkaelber

      February 15, 2011, 14:55

      A review of currently available social problems textbooks by Lutz Kaelber, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA.

  • Category: Ask a Sociologist  (2)
  • Category: Book Reviews  (8)
    • Competition is as competition does by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 17, 2010, 21:58

      Through the medium of kinship, early humans developed cooperative arrangements that, according to Marshal Sahlins, were apparently mandated by virtue of…

    • Summer Snow by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      July 30, 2010, 12:22

      In an era of constant war and aggression, William T. Hathaway provides a peaceful breathe of air. An awesome book for any social science educator wanting to…

    • Rocket Scientists Guide to Money and the Economy by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      August 9, 2010, 17:51

      I very much enjoyed the money book. Your explanation of economics is refreshingly clear. The concepts you present are particularly important now, since the…

    • Only 18,000 Jobs by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      July 12, 2011, 14:10

      Well it looks like the end of the world is finally here. Obama has just admitted there is no more cash. Unless the U.S. Government agrees to up the debt…

    • Democracy’s Dirty Little Secret by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 6, 2010, 12:11

      A Century of Spin: How Public Relations Became the Cutting Edge of Corporate Power . There are now a range of academic disciplines which have been…

    • The cure for alchoholism by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 19, 2010, 12:38

      Two books that I have recently read deserve attention today. One is My Way Out and the other is The Cure for Alcoholism. Both are great books and both detail a…

    • May the Fittest Survive: The National Academy of Sciences vs. Creationism by: Timothy McGettigan

      September 14, 2010, 17:43

      BOOK REVIEW: Science, Evolution, and Creationism 2008. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. In an effort to extol the virtues of evolution, the…

    • The State of the Art: A Comprehensive Review of Textbooks in Social Problems by: lutzkaelber

      February 15, 2011, 14:55

      A review of currently available social problems textbooks by Lutz Kaelber, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA.

  • Category: Classroom Controversy  (14)
    • Ding dong the Alpha Male is Dead by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      December 1, 2010, 15:11

      Is our socialization process a process of ideological indoctrination? As part of our socialization we learn “how the world really works.” Our religions teach…

    • The Morphing of Obama by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 22, 2011, 10:05

      If you think there’s a difference between Republican and Democrat, if you think the choice is real, think again. Barack Obama won the presidency and the…

    • Wealth and Inequality in America by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 8, 2011, 11:01

      Sociology looks at income and wealth and one of the repetitive insights of sociology is that wealth in unequally distributed, more so today than perhaps ever…

    • Facebook is a Spy Machine by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      May 18, 2011, 13:39

      I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Facebook ain’t your friend. From the facile and shallow way it connects people to the awesome power it gives…

    • May the Fittest Survive: The National Academy of Sciences vs. Creationism by: Timothy McGettigan

      September 14, 2010, 17:43

      BOOK REVIEW: Science, Evolution, and Creationism 2008. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. In an effort to extol the virtues of evolution, the…

    • Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure by: Timothy McGettigan

      March 2, 2011, 13:37

      In truth, Bill Gates probably isn’t an idiot. He did build one of the most successful software companies in the world after all. At the same time however his…

    • The Tenor Of Our Times by: William Hathaway

      July 29, 2010, 16:55

      In this article William Hathaway, renowned peace author and activist, discusses the tenor of our times, revanchism, which refers to a global attempt by the…

    • The Real War Heroes by: William Hathaway

      August 12, 2010, 13:37

      Classroom controversies are short and provocative articles designed to encourage classroom debate. They revolve around current, often hot button issues, and…

    • SAMs for Uncle Sam by: William Hathaway

      November 3, 2010, 11:23

      Here is an awesome article that questions the western view of Arab women, the Western view of women, the Westernized view of the family, the Western fetish…

    • Conscious Peace: World Peace Depends upon Our Collective Consciousness by: William Hathaway

      February 10, 2011, 13:07

      We live in a materialist universe, or do we? Scientists chant a materialist mantra but gravity, a concept present at the very birth of Science, is an invisible…

    • Athletes and the ‘Club’: Nothing Good Ever Happens After Midnight by: Earl Smith

      September 14, 2010, 17:42

      So what’s with professional athletes and violent behaviour? Are these individual just “thugs” or is something else going on. In this short article Earl Smith…

    • Why it is Impossible to be “A Good Person” by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      January 16, 2011, 23:15

      Morality – Has it ever occurred to you how difficult it is to be a good person? In fact it seems that even the best people amongst us, cannot be good…

    • Survival of the Nice Guys by: Avi Schroeder

      January 30, 2011, 19:33

      As a sociologist I often get heartburn listening to others talk about evolution. As every sociology student knows, from the time Herbert Spencer first coined…

    • Are you my “friend?” by: Tim Hutchcraft

      April 24, 2011, 14:40

      Is it really possible to have 800 “friends.” Does connecting through FaceBook really mean you’re connected in life? Or does the proliferation of one-click…

  • Category: Columnists  (25)
    • Better writing through intent by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 28, 2011, 15:10

      As a rule academics are not trained to write well. You might even say academics are trained to confuse, hiding their thoughts behind walls of pretentious…

    • Ding dong the Alpha Male is Dead by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      December 1, 2010, 15:11

      Is our socialization process a process of ideological indoctrination? As part of our socialization we learn “how the world really works.” Our religions teach…

    • What’s on your mind? Facebook, voluntary surveillance, and the global panopticon by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 17, 2011, 14:34

      As a sociologist I’ve always been interested in surveillance. Jeremy Bentham, Foucault, Orwell. Like it or not surveillance is an aspect of the industrial and…

    • The Morphing of Obama by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 22, 2011, 10:05

      If you think there’s a difference between Republican and Democrat, if you think the choice is real, think again. Barack Obama won the presidency and the…

    • The Business of Higher Education by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 7, 2010, 17:16

      Higher education faces challenges. From the competitive ethic of commercialism to the increasing demands for accessible and flexible education, colleges and…

    • Colorado Stealth University by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 7, 2010, 17:24

      Sociology studies power, and one of the places that power is exercised in our society is in the boardroom. Is it any wonder then that a sociologist, looking at…

    • Capitalism 101: The Money Tree  by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 23, 2010, 12:53

      In the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown, Ben Bernanke, America’s leading scholar of the Great Depression, has been credited with saving the nation’s…

    • The Free Market That Never Was by: Timothy McGettigan

      July 26, 2010, 16:53

      Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. As Timothy McGettigan points out, the ideal of free market capitalism being good for the economy, and good for…

    • May the Fittest Survive: The National Academy of Sciences vs. Creationism by: Timothy McGettigan

      September 14, 2010, 17:43

      BOOK REVIEW: Science, Evolution, and Creationism 2008. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. In an effort to extol the virtues of evolution, the…

    • Miracles in the Making: Information Technology and Middle East Populism by: Timothy McGettigan

      February 22, 2011, 18:51

      As Bob Dylan once sang, times they are changing. Finally it does appear to be that way. The Middle East has boiled over with grass roots, ground up revolution!…

    • It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy: The Final Days of the Gadhafi Regime in Libya by: Timothy McGettigan

      April 5, 2011, 19:56

      Colonel Muammar Gadhafi’s days as Libya’s overlord are fast coming to a close. For an astonishing 41 years the people of Libya have been subjected Gadhafi’s…

    • Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure by: Timothy McGettigan

      March 2, 2011, 13:37

      In truth, Bill Gates probably isn’t an idiot. He did build one of the most successful software companies in the world after all. At the same time however his…

    • Category: Anna Brix Thomsen  (6)
      • Cultural Elite or Imperialist Justifications by: Anna Brix Thomsen

        September 27, 2010, 12:10

        We are the cultural and political elite of this world. We believe our society is the pinnacle of evolutionary development (what is better than “democracy”…

      • Corporations, Governments and Consumers – The Unholy Trinity of Inequality by: Anna Brix Thomsen

        October 6, 2010, 04:25

        According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, some 36 million people (mostly women and children) die every year from preventable hunger.…

      • Academic Education – A Waste of Space, Mind, Money and Time? by: Anna Brix Thomsen

        November 11, 2010, 11:23

        Academic communities and higher learning facilities like universities are the places where great knowledge is born and passed on with the purpose of ‘enlighte…

      • The Game of Survival – Inequality Equations and Miss-Calculations by: Anna Brix Thomsen

        January 17, 2011, 16:00

        Iisms and Schisms and postmodern standpoints. We live in spineless world were we all “go along” just to get along and where “playing the game” (i.e. complying…

      • Why it is Impossible to be “A Good Person” by: Anna Brix Thomsen

        January 16, 2011, 23:15

        Morality – Has it ever occurred to you how difficult it is to be a good person? In fact it seems that even the best people amongst us, cannot be good…

      • More God in America – Or More Money in God? by: Anna Brix Thomsen

        March 30, 2011, 04:32

        This article discusses the relationship between God and Money with America as an example of how Money and God influences our daily lives. From…

    • Category: External Authors  (1)
    • Category: Michael Sosteric  (13)
      • The Abuse Syndrome – learned helplessness in the face of global oppression by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        June 22, 2010, 11:36

        You think we live in a functioning democracy? You think you’re a powerful actor in a sea of democratic choice? Think again. According to this psychologist we…

      • Ding dong the Alpha Male is Dead by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        December 1, 2010, 15:11

        Is our socialization process a process of ideological indoctrination? As part of our socialization we learn “how the world really works.” Our religions teach…

      • Calling a rose a rose by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        January 21, 2011, 13:04

        What makes us put up with violence? Why, when we see abuse around us do we pretend it’s not abuse. This is a question that as a sociologist and parent of two…

      • Better writing through intent by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        February 28, 2011, 15:10

        As a rule academics are not trained to write well. You might even say academics are trained to confuse, hiding their thoughts behind walls of pretentious…

      • What’s on your mind? Facebook, voluntary surveillance, and the global panopticon by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        February 17, 2011, 14:34

        As a sociologist I’ve always been interested in surveillance. Jeremy Bentham, Foucault, Orwell. Like it or not surveillance is an aspect of the industrial and…

      • If Society is the Disease, is Cannabis the Cure? by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        April 27, 2011, 15:26

        Cannabis gets a lot of bad press, but perhaps it is undeserved. While alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and even tobacco are known to be highly addictive and damaging…

      • Only 18,000 Jobs by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        July 12, 2011, 14:10

        Well it looks like the end of the world is finally here. Obama has just admitted there is no more cash. Unless the U.S. Government agrees to up the debt…

      • Embracing Change: Working Together to end the Cycle of Violence by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        August 30, 2010, 19:22

        One of the first things the sociology initiate learns is about the “sociological imagination.” This concept is used to illustrate, the power of sociology.…

      • Child Labour by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        August 23, 2010, 11:23

        Truth, justice, and the North American way? Not for these children. In fact, globally one child dies of hunger related illnesses every 15 seconds and one in…

      • The University, Accountability, and Market Discipline in the Late 1990s by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        June 10, 2010, 16:37

        This article originally appeared in Volume Three of The Electronic Journal of Sociology. It is reproduced here as part of the debate on the challenges of…

      • Democracy’s Dirty Little Secret by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        February 6, 2010, 12:11

        A Century of Spin: How Public Relations Became the Cutting Edge of Corporate Power . There are now a range of academic disciplines which have been…

      • The cure for alchoholism by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        February 19, 2010, 12:38

        Two books that I have recently read deserve attention today. One is My Way Out and the other is The Cure for Alcoholism. Both are great books and both detail a…

      • Gendered Activities, gender difference, gender exclusion by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        February 26, 2010, 13:41

        As sociologists, one of our (my wife and I) biggest pet peaves is gendered activities. These are activities where an individual is excluded from participation…

    • Category: Rachel Suet Kay Chan  (2)
    • Category: Ralp Perrino  (1)
      • Socialization by: rperrino

        June 1, 2011, 10:07

        We, especially those of us who live in North America, like to think we are stout individuals. We set our own course, navigate the waves, and actualize our…

    • Category: Tim Hutchcraft  (2)
      • Are you my “friend?” by: Tim Hutchcraft

        April 24, 2011, 14:40

        Is it really possible to have 800 “friends.” Does connecting through FaceBook really mean you’re connected in life? Or does the proliferation of one-click…

      • He Said, She Said (At the Speed of Light!) by: Tim Hutchcraft

        May 31, 2011, 23:32

        The first article I wrote for the SocJournal set the tone for my general opinion in regards to social media and online “friends.”  I discussed the concept…

    • Category: Timothy McGettigan  (16)


      • Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure by: Timothy McGettigan

        March 2, 2011, 13:37

        In truth, Bill Gates probably isn’t an idiot. He did build one of the most successful software companies in the world after all. At the same time however his…

      • Capitalism 101: The Money Tree  by: Timothy McGettigan

        June 23, 2010, 12:53

        In the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown, Ben Bernanke, America’s leading scholar of the Great Depression, has been credited with saving the nation’s…

      • May the Fittest Survive: The National Academy of Sciences vs. Creationism by: Timothy McGettigan

        September 14, 2010, 17:43

        BOOK REVIEW: Science, Evolution, and Creationism 2008. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. In an effort to extol the virtues of evolution, the…

      • The Business of Higher Education by: Timothy McGettigan

        June 7, 2010, 17:16

        Higher education faces challenges. From the competitive ethic of commercialism to the increasing demands for accessible and flexible education, colleges and…

      • Colorado Stealth University by: Timothy McGettigan

        June 7, 2010, 17:24

        Sociology studies power, and one of the places that power is exercised in our society is in the boardroom. Is it any wonder then that a sociologist, looking at…

      • The Free Market That Never Was by: Timothy McGettigan

        July 26, 2010, 16:53

        Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. As Timothy McGettigan points out, the ideal of free market capitalism being good for the economy, and good for…

      • Miracles in the Making: Information Technology and Middle East Populism by: Timothy McGettigan

        February 22, 2011, 18:51

        As Bob Dylan once sang, times they are changing. Finally it does appear to be that way. The Middle East has boiled over with grass roots, ground up revolution!…

      • It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy: The Final Days of the Gadhafi Regime in Libya by: Timothy McGettigan

        April 5, 2011, 19:56

        Colonel Muammar Gadhafi’s days as Libya’s overlord are fast coming to a close. For an astonishing 41 years the people of Libya have been subjected Gadhafi’s…

      • Pouring Gas on the Fire: Chavez Reaches out to Qaddafi by: Timothy McGettigan

        March 4, 2011, 13:04

        Libya is being torn apart by an intransigent tyrant who can’t see the writing on the wall. If Qaddafi can no longer remain in power, then he has decided to…

      • Where No One Has Gone Before: Renewable Energy Frontiers and Obama’s Sputnik Moment by: Timothy McGettigan

        April 6, 2011, 20:44

        A sociologist looks at energy. Not oil, not nuclear, but renewable. Solar panels, wind, geothermal, these are all part of a decentralization of power generation…

      • Nuclear Nightmares: Damned Lies about the World’s “Safest” Energy Source by: Timothy McGettigan

        April 7, 2011, 04:12

        Implausible as it may seem, as the Fukushima Daiichi disaster has grown ever more cataclysmic, nuclear energy advocates have come out of the woodwork to tout…

      • iPad Delusions: The Curious Appeal of Workaround Computing  by: Timothy McGettigan

        May 11, 2011, 18:09

        When I was a kid I was always disappointed by the toys I got. They never lived up to the crazy expectations generated by dissembling advertisers as they…

      • Conquering the Beast Within by: Timothy McGettigan

        June 17, 2011, 11:26

        Are humans basically good, or basically bad? Some people, like Freud, Hobbes, and Foucault, say bad. We’ve got a beast within and the only way to control that…

      • Osama is Dead, but What Have We Learned? by: Timothy McGettigan

        May 10, 2011, 22:59

        If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years of watching the U.S. is that government always precedes some big, mind numbing global intervention (war,…

      • There Be Dragons: Science as the Realization of Fantasy by: Timothy McGettigan

        June 26, 2011, 11:29

        It’s not often you get a honest account of the foundation of modern science. To be honest, accounts of science, especially those given to second year initiates”…

      • AI and IQ: The Right Answer to the Wrong Question by: Timothy McGettigan

        July 14, 2011, 11:22

        So what is intelligence? What is IQ? What makes one person smarter, and thus more deserving of reward, then another. Well, as Tim points out, and according to…

    • Category: William Hathaway  (5)
      • The Morphing of Obama by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        March 22, 2011, 10:05

        If you think there’s a difference between Republican and Democrat, if you think the choice is real, think again. Barack Obama won the presidency and the…

      • Comrades in Arms – Rape and Abuse in the U.S. Army by: William Hathaway

        October 4, 2010, 12:40

        Ever wonder what happens to people who don’t go along in the army? They don’t get along. In this heart wrenching first person account one female soldier…

      • The Real War Heroes by: William Hathaway

        August 12, 2010, 13:37

        Classroom controversies are short and provocative articles designed to encourage classroom debate. They revolve around current, often hot button issues, and…

      • SAMs for Uncle Sam by: William Hathaway

        November 3, 2010, 11:23

        Here is an awesome article that questions the western view of Arab women, the Western view of women, the Westernized view of the family, the Western fetish…

      • Conscious Peace: World Peace Depends upon Our Collective Consciousness by: William Hathaway

        February 10, 2011, 13:07

        We live in a materialist universe, or do we? Scientists chant a materialist mantra but gravity, a concept present at the very birth of Science, is an invisible…

  • Category: Editor’s Desk  (3)

    From the Editor’s Desk

    • Better writing through intent by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 28, 2011, 15:10

      As a rule academics are not trained to write well. You might even say academics are trained to confuse, hiding their thoughts behind walls of pretentious…

    • Calling a rose a rose by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      January 21, 2011, 13:04

      What makes us put up with violence? Why, when we see abuse around us do we pretend it’s not abuse. This is a question that as a sociologist and parent of two…

    • Ding dong the Alpha Male is Dead by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      December 1, 2010, 15:11

      Is our socialization process a process of ideological indoctrination? As part of our socialization we learn “how the world really works.” Our religions teach…

  • Category: Featured Articles  (23)
    • Competition is as competition does by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 17, 2010, 21:58

      Through the medium of kinship, early humans developed cooperative arrangements that, according to Marshal Sahlins, were apparently mandated by virtue of…

    • Got what it takes? by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 5, 2010, 11:20

      Do you have what it takes to use your sociological imagination? Do you have what it takes to step outside the staid box of intellectual insentience? C…

    • Are you a publisher? by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 15, 2010, 14:31

      As a publisher or writer or publisher of Sociology and Social sciences, you’ve probably never thought of a mass market for your goods. The critical study…

    • Human Intelligence by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      November 18, 2010, 11:56

      So what determines human intelligence? Is it nature (i.e. genetics), nurture (i.e. socialization and education), or some combination of the two. This is not…

    • Only 18,000 Jobs by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      July 12, 2011, 14:10

      Well it looks like the end of the world is finally here. Obama has just admitted there is no more cash. Unless the U.S. Government agrees to up the debt…

    • The cure for alchoholism by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 19, 2010, 12:38

      Two books that I have recently read deserve attention today. One is My Way Out and the other is The Cure for Alcoholism. Both are great books and both detail a…

    • The University, Accountability, and Market Discipline in the Late 1990s by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      June 10, 2010, 16:37

      This article originally appeared in Volume Three of The Electronic Journal of Sociology. It is reproduced here as part of the debate on the challenges of…

    • The Business of Higher Education by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 7, 2010, 17:16

      Higher education faces challenges. From the competitive ethic of commercialism to the increasing demands for accessible and flexible education, colleges and…

    • The Free Market That Never Was by: Timothy McGettigan

      July 26, 2010, 16:53

      Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. As Timothy McGettigan points out, the ideal of free market capitalism being good for the economy, and good for…

    • Capitalism 101: The Money Tree  by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 23, 2010, 12:53

      In the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown, Ben Bernanke, America’s leading scholar of the Great Depression, has been credited with saving the nation’s…

    • May the Fittest Survive: The National Academy of Sciences vs. Creationism by: Timothy McGettigan

      September 14, 2010, 17:43

      BOOK REVIEW: Science, Evolution, and Creationism 2008. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. In an effort to extol the virtues of evolution, the…

    • Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure by: Timothy McGettigan

      March 2, 2011, 13:37

      In truth, Bill Gates probably isn’t an idiot. He did build one of the most successful software companies in the world after all. At the same time however his…

    • Where No One Has Gone Before: Renewable Energy Frontiers and Obama’s Sputnik Moment by: Timothy McGettigan

      April 6, 2011, 20:44

      A sociologist looks at energy. Not oil, not nuclear, but renewable. Solar panels, wind, geothermal, these are all part of a decentralization of power generation…

    • It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy: The Final Days of the Gadhafi Regime in Libya by: Timothy McGettigan

      April 5, 2011, 19:56

      Colonel Muammar Gadhafi’s days as Libya’s overlord are fast coming to a close. For an astonishing 41 years the people of Libya have been subjected Gadhafi’s…

    • iPad Delusions: The Curious Appeal of Workaround Computing  by: Timothy McGettigan

      May 11, 2011, 18:09

      When I was a kid I was always disappointed by the toys I got. They never lived up to the crazy expectations generated by dissembling advertisers as they…

    • Searching For Paulo Freire: Classnotes For My Students by: Amardo Rodriguez

      June 24, 2010, 23:49

      An educator speaks about pedagogy, critical thinking, and connecting with students. Education is about creating a safe place for exploration, for confronting…

    • The Real War Heroes by: William Hathaway

      August 12, 2010, 13:37

      Classroom controversies are short and provocative articles designed to encourage classroom debate. They revolve around current, often hot button issues, and…

    • SAMs for Uncle Sam by: William Hathaway

      November 3, 2010, 11:23

      Here is an awesome article that questions the western view of Arab women, the Western view of women, the Westernized view of the family, the Western fetish…

    • Why it is Impossible to be “A Good Person” by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      January 16, 2011, 23:15

      Morality – Has it ever occurred to you how difficult it is to be a good person? In fact it seems that even the best people amongst us, cannot be good…

    • More God in America – Or More Money in God? by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      March 30, 2011, 04:32

      This article discusses the relationship between God and Money with America as an example of how Money and God influences our daily lives. From…

    • The Problem of Child Labor in US Agriculture by: execatl

      December 8, 2010, 13:33

      Ever wonder how those grocery shelves at your Publix get filled with all the wonderful and lovely produce you and your family enjoy? Think it is the result of…

    • Survival of the Nice Guys by: Avi Schroeder

      January 30, 2011, 19:33

      As a sociologist I often get heartburn listening to others talk about evolution. As every sociology student knows, from the time Herbert Spencer first coined…

    • Are you my “friend?” by: Tim Hutchcraft

      April 24, 2011, 14:40

      Is it really possible to have 800 “friends.” Does connecting through FaceBook really mean you’re connected in life? Or does the proliferation of one-click…

  • Category: Feminism  (1)
  • Category: Gender  (3)
    • Gendered Activities, gender difference, gender exclusion by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 26, 2010, 13:41

      As sociologists, one of our (my wife and I) biggest pet peaves is gendered activities. These are activities where an individual is excluded from participation…

    • Care Bears vs. Transformers: Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements by: Dr. Monica Brasted

      February 17, 2010, 23:45

      While traveling recently, I stopped at a fast food restaurant with my 6-year-old daughter. When we sat down at the table to eat, she disappointedly pulled a…

    • Where Are All the Women? How Traditional Structures of Academia Hinder Female University Professors. by: Rachel Demerling

      July 9, 2010, 14:13

      The penetration of women into academe is growing, but at what cost? Babies get in the way and require valuable time away from a job that otherwise requires…

  • Category: General  (2)
  • Category: Global Studies  (8)
    • The Abuse Syndrome – learned helplessness in the face of global oppression by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      June 22, 2010, 11:36

      You think we live in a functioning democracy? You think you’re a powerful actor in a sea of democratic choice? Think again. According to this psychologist we…

    • Miracles in the Making: Information Technology and Middle East Populism by: Timothy McGettigan

      February 22, 2011, 18:51

      As Bob Dylan once sang, times they are changing. Finally it does appear to be that way. The Middle East has boiled over with grass roots, ground up revolution!…

    • It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy: The Final Days of the Gadhafi Regime in Libya by: Timothy McGettigan

      April 5, 2011, 19:56

      Colonel Muammar Gadhafi’s days as Libya’s overlord are fast coming to a close. For an astonishing 41 years the people of Libya have been subjected Gadhafi’s…

    • Sweatshops and Post-Industrial Society: Conflicting Contemporary Phenomena by: Emily Jill Hodgson

      June 18, 2010, 11:46

      The scholarly propaganda is simple, technology makes the world a better place. We are moving towards a post-industrial utopia characterized by human care and…

    • SAMs for Uncle Sam by: William Hathaway

      November 3, 2010, 11:23

      Here is an awesome article that questions the western view of Arab women, the Western view of women, the Westernized view of the family, the Western fetish…

    • Cultural Elite or Imperialist Justifications by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      September 27, 2010, 12:10

      We are the cultural and political elite of this world. We believe our society is the pinnacle of evolutionary development (what is better than “democracy”…

    • Corporations, Governments and Consumers – The Unholy Trinity of Inequality by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      October 6, 2010, 04:25

      According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, some 36 million people (mostly women and children) die every year from preventable hunger.…

    • Academic Education – A Waste of Space, Mind, Money and Time? by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      November 11, 2010, 11:23

      Academic communities and higher learning facilities like universities are the places where great knowledge is born and passed on with the purpose of ‘enlighte…

  • Category: Health  (1)
  • Category: Labour Studies  (1)
  • Category: Lead  (25)
    • Ask a Sociologist by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      November 25, 2010, 13:34

      So you got some questions? Want to know why things are? Need to have answers? Don’t know where to turn? Well then why don’t you ask a sociologist (reverb…

    • The Morphing of Obama by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 22, 2011, 10:05

      If you think there’s a difference between Republican and Democrat, if you think the choice is real, think again. Barack Obama won the presidency and the…

    • Wealth and Inequality in America by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 8, 2011, 11:01

      Sociology looks at income and wealth and one of the repetitive insights of sociology is that wealth in unequally distributed, more so today than perhaps ever…

    • What’s on your mind? Facebook, voluntary surveillance, and the global panopticon by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 17, 2011, 14:34

      As a sociologist I’ve always been interested in surveillance. Jeremy Bentham, Foucault, Orwell. Like it or not surveillance is an aspect of the industrial and…

    • If Society is the Disease, is Cannabis the Cure? by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      April 27, 2011, 15:26

      Cannabis gets a lot of bad press, but perhaps it is undeserved. While alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and even tobacco are known to be highly addictive and damaging…

    • Facebook is a Spy Machine by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      May 18, 2011, 13:39

      I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Facebook ain’t your friend. From the facile and shallow way it connects people to the awesome power it gives…

    • Only 18,000 Jobs by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      July 12, 2011, 14:10

      Well it looks like the end of the world is finally here. Obama has just admitted there is no more cash. Unless the U.S. Government agrees to up the debt…

    • Child Labour by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      August 23, 2010, 11:23

      Truth, justice, and the North American way? Not for these children. In fact, globally one child dies of hunger related illnesses every 15 seconds and one in…

    • Embracing Change: Working Together to end the Cycle of Violence by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      August 30, 2010, 19:22

      One of the first things the sociology initiate learns is about the “sociological imagination.” This concept is used to illustrate, the power of sociology.…

    • Care Bears vs. Transformers: Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements by: Dr. Monica Brasted

      February 17, 2010, 23:45

      While traveling recently, I stopped at a fast food restaurant with my 6-year-old daughter. When we sat down at the table to eat, she disappointedly pulled a…

    • Miracles in the Making: Information Technology and Middle East Populism by: Timothy McGettigan

      February 22, 2011, 18:51

      As Bob Dylan once sang, times they are changing. Finally it does appear to be that way. The Middle East has boiled over with grass roots, ground up revolution!…

    • Conquering the Beast Within by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 17, 2011, 11:26

      Are humans basically good, or basically bad? Some people, like Freud, Hobbes, and Foucault, say bad. We’ve got a beast within and the only way to control that…

    • Osama is Dead, but What Have We Learned? by: Timothy McGettigan

      May 10, 2011, 22:59

      If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years of watching the U.S. is that government always precedes some big, mind numbing global intervention (war,…

    • There Be Dragons: Science as the Realization of Fantasy by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 26, 2011, 11:29

      It’s not often you get a honest account of the foundation of modern science. To be honest, accounts of science, especially those given to second year initiates”…

    • AI and IQ: The Right Answer to the Wrong Question by: Timothy McGettigan

      July 14, 2011, 11:22

      So what is intelligence? What is IQ? What makes one person smarter, and thus more deserving of reward, then another. Well, as Tim points out, and according to…

    • Functionalism 2.0 – Rethinking an America Tradition of Conservative Thought  by: SGerardi

      June 7, 2010, 12:14

      Functionalism has long had a bad name in sociology as the handmaiden of elite interests, justifying all manner of inequality and power abuse by implying (and…

    • Comrades in Arms – Rape and Abuse in the U.S. Army by: William Hathaway

      October 4, 2010, 12:40

      Ever wonder what happens to people who don’t go along in the army? They don’t get along. In this heart wrenching first person account one female soldier…

    • The Tenor Of Our Times by: William Hathaway

      July 29, 2010, 16:55

      In this article William Hathaway, renowned peace author and activist, discusses the tenor of our times, revanchism, which refers to a global attempt by the…

    • The Real War Heroes by: William Hathaway

      August 12, 2010, 13:37

      Classroom controversies are short and provocative articles designed to encourage classroom debate. They revolve around current, often hot button issues, and…

    • Conscious Peace: World Peace Depends upon Our Collective Consciousness by: William Hathaway

      February 10, 2011, 13:07

      We live in a materialist universe, or do we? Scientists chant a materialist mantra but gravity, a concept present at the very birth of Science, is an invisible…

    • A technological utopia? by: KathleenSchwab

      August 9, 2010, 13:39

      The view propogated by the media companies and sellers of technology is that technology is freedom. From early dishwashers to the recent spate of ads hawking…

    • The Performance of Adolescent Stigma  by: Colin and Sofia Schlossman

      October 12, 2010, 11:00

      We live in a violent world, but it is not just physical violence we endure. We also endure psychological violence and nowhere is that more obvious then when we…

    • Athletes and the ‘Club’: Nothing Good Ever Happens After Midnight by: Earl Smith

      September 14, 2010, 17:42

      So what’s with professional athletes and violent behaviour? Are these individual just “thugs” or is something else going on. In this short article Earl Smith…

    • Academic Education – A Waste of Space, Mind, Money and Time? by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      November 11, 2010, 11:23

      Academic communities and higher learning facilities like universities are the places where great knowledge is born and passed on with the purpose of ‘enlighte…

    • The Game of Survival – Inequality Equations and Miss-Calculations by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      January 17, 2011, 16:00

      Iisms and Schisms and postmodern standpoints. We live in spineless world were we all “go along” just to get along and where “playing the game” (i.e. complying…

  • Category: Media Studies  (5)
    • Democracy’s Dirty Little Secret by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 6, 2010, 12:11

      A Century of Spin: How Public Relations Became the Cutting Edge of Corporate Power . There are now a range of academic disciplines which have been…

    • Care Bears vs. Transformers: Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements by: Dr. Monica Brasted

      February 17, 2010, 23:45

      While traveling recently, I stopped at a fast food restaurant with my 6-year-old daughter. When we sat down at the table to eat, she disappointedly pulled a…

    • Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful by: Gerald Grow

      August 16, 2010, 18:22

      First published in 1994 by Gerald Grow, this article takes a critical look at advertising, exploring the meaning behind the images. Commercials work not…

    • HIV/AIDS: Silent Victims or Silenced Victims: The Media Constructs the Message by: BSilversides

      October 18, 2010, 13:50

      This student essay was submitted for Sociology 435 (The Sociology of Social Change) at Athabasca University. It is a critical examination of  the…

    • How consumerism has enslaved us by: Rachel Suet Kay Chan

      December 10, 2010, 13:42

      It used to be identity was to be found in the way we thought, the groups we were a part of, and the things we held dear. More and more, however, we exist in a…

  • Category: New  (1)
  • Category: Pedagogy  (4)
    • Giving up the grade by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 17, 2010, 22:26

      This article was printed in the spring 2007 issue of “Our Schools / Our Selves,” published quarterly by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives www.policyal…

    • Competition is as competition does by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      March 17, 2010, 21:58

      Through the medium of kinship, early humans developed cooperative arrangements that, according to Marshal Sahlins, were apparently mandated by virtue of…

    • Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure by: Timothy McGettigan

      March 2, 2011, 13:37

      In truth, Bill Gates probably isn’t an idiot. He did build one of the most successful software companies in the world after all. At the same time however his…

    • Searching For Paulo Freire: Classnotes For My Students by: Amardo Rodriguez

      June 24, 2010, 23:49

      An educator speaks about pedagogy, critical thinking, and connecting with students. Education is about creating a safe place for exploration, for confronting…

  • Category: Photolog  (1)
    • Child Labour by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      August 23, 2010, 11:23

      Truth, justice, and the North American way? Not for these children. In fact, globally one child dies of hunger related illnesses every 15 seconds and one in…

  • Category: Political Economy  (8)
    • Colorado Stealth University by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 7, 2010, 17:24

      Sociology studies power, and one of the places that power is exercised in our society is in the boardroom. Is it any wonder then that a sociologist, looking at…

    • Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure by: Timothy McGettigan

      March 2, 2011, 13:37

      In truth, Bill Gates probably isn’t an idiot. He did build one of the most successful software companies in the world after all. At the same time however his…

    • The Free Market That Never Was by: Timothy McGettigan

      July 26, 2010, 16:53

      Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. As Timothy McGettigan points out, the ideal of free market capitalism being good for the economy, and good for…

    • Capitalism 101: The Money Tree  by: Timothy McGettigan

      June 23, 2010, 12:53

      In the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown, Ben Bernanke, America’s leading scholar of the Great Depression, has been credited with saving the nation’s…

    • Corporations, Governments and Consumers – The Unholy Trinity of Inequality by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      October 6, 2010, 04:25

      According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, some 36 million people (mostly women and children) die every year from preventable hunger.…

    • Category: Political Economy of Higher Ed  (5)
      • The University, Accountability, and Market Discipline in the Late 1990s by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

        June 10, 2010, 16:37

        This article originally appeared in Volume Three of The Electronic Journal of Sociology. It is reproduced here as part of the debate on the challenges of…

      • The Business of Higher Education by: Timothy McGettigan

        June 7, 2010, 17:16

        Higher education faces challenges. From the competitive ethic of commercialism to the increasing demands for accessible and flexible education, colleges and…

      • Colorado Stealth University by: Timothy McGettigan

        June 7, 2010, 17:24

        Sociology studies power, and one of the places that power is exercised in our society is in the boardroom. Is it any wonder then that a sociologist, looking at…

      • Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure by: Timothy McGettigan

        March 2, 2011, 13:37

        In truth, Bill Gates probably isn’t an idiot. He did build one of the most successful software companies in the world after all. At the same time however his…

      • Where Are All the Women? How Traditional Structures of Academia Hinder Female University Professors. by: Rachel Demerling

        July 9, 2010, 14:13

        The penetration of women into academe is growing, but at what cost? Babies get in the way and require valuable time away from a job that otherwise requires…

  • Category: Queer Theory  (1)
  • Category: Social Psychology  (2)
  • Category: Sociologists at Work  (1)
    • Sociologists in Iraq by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      September 27, 2010, 12:27

      Here is an article submitted by CPT Tanya Rosa of the Human Terrain Analysis Team-South, a US Army group tasked with interviewing Iraqi’s and gathering…

  • Category: Sociology of Science  (2)
  • Category: Student Essays  (3)
    • Sweatshops and Post-Industrial Society: Conflicting Contemporary Phenomena by: Emily Jill Hodgson

      June 18, 2010, 11:46

      The scholarly propaganda is simple, technology makes the world a better place. We are moving towards a post-industrial utopia characterized by human care and…

    • A technological utopia? by: KathleenSchwab

      August 9, 2010, 13:39

      The view propogated by the media companies and sellers of technology is that technology is freedom. From early dishwashers to the recent spate of ads hawking…

    • HIV/AIDS: Silent Victims or Silenced Victims: The Media Constructs the Message by: BSilversides

      October 18, 2010, 13:50

      This student essay was submitted for Sociology 435 (The Sociology of Social Change) at Athabasca University. It is a critical examination of  the…

  • Category: Surveys  (1)
    • Human Intelligence by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      November 18, 2010, 11:56

      So what determines human intelligence? Is it nature (i.e. genetics), nurture (i.e. socialization and education), or some combination of the two. This is not…

  • Category: Technology  (4)
    • Facebook is a Spy Machine by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      May 18, 2011, 13:39

      I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Facebook ain’t your friend. From the facile and shallow way it connects people to the awesome power it gives…

    • A technological utopia? by: KathleenSchwab

      August 9, 2010, 13:39

      The view propogated by the media companies and sellers of technology is that technology is freedom. From early dishwashers to the recent spate of ads hawking…

    • Are you my “friend?” by: Tim Hutchcraft

      April 24, 2011, 14:40

      Is it really possible to have 800 “friends.” Does connecting through FaceBook really mean you’re connected in life? Or does the proliferation of one-click…

    • He Said, She Said (At the Speed of Light!) by: Tim Hutchcraft

      May 31, 2011, 23:32

      The first article I wrote for the SocJournal set the tone for my general opinion in regards to social media and online “friends.”  I discussed the concept…

  • Category: The Lightning Strike  (17)
    • Got what it takes? by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 5, 2010, 11:20

      Do you have what it takes to use your sociological imagination? Do you have what it takes to step outside the staid box of intellectual insentience? C…

    • Sociologists in Iraq by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      September 27, 2010, 12:27

      Here is an article submitted by CPT Tanya Rosa of the Human Terrain Analysis Team-South, a US Army group tasked with interviewing Iraqi’s and gathering…

    • Take the reader survey by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 6, 2010, 10:15

      From a monthly unique hit rate of just under 6,000, the Socjourn has grown, in less than a year, to over 30,000 unique hits a month, a quarter of a million…

    • Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science by Craig Calhoun by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 7, 2010, 15:38

      Columbia University Press is pleased to announce the publication of Robert K. Merton: Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science, edited by Craig…

    • Book Release – Feminism is Queer by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      October 15, 2010, 13:38

      Feminism is Queer is an introduction to the intimately related disciplines of gender and queer theory. Whilst guiding the reader through complex theory, the…

    • HEY YOU!!! by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      November 18, 2010, 12:31

      Think you got what it takes to be a writer? Wanna put that expensive social science education to good use? Wanna rev up that creative right brain? Wanna…

    • Rebel Rank and File by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      December 6, 2010, 12:47

      Rebel Rank and File uncovers the hidden of the 1970s labour movement with thirteen cogent essays from labor historians, activists and writers. Topics range…

    • Better writing through intent by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 28, 2011, 15:10

      As a rule academics are not trained to write well. You might even say academics are trained to confuse, hiding their thoughts behind walls of pretentious…

    • R.I.P. David Noble by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 2, 2011, 10:58

      David Franklin Noble died of a sudden illness in Toronto on December 27, 2010. Noble was an internationally acclaimed scholar and courageous activist,…

    • R.I.P. Daniel Bell by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 15, 2011, 19:21

      Sociology mourns the passing of one of its own. Daniel Bell died in January after a long life of passionate engagement with many of the most important…

    • Demography and Democracy: Essays on Nationalism, Gender and Ideology by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      February 23, 2011, 19:28

      “In stunning readings of culture, politics, identity, gender and ethnicity, Bannerji exposes the grave dangers lurking in demographic politics of blood, soil…

    • Opening your eyes to the new Surveillance Networks  by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      April 5, 2011, 13:13

      Now here’s a kick in the head. They know where you are. And by “they” I mean everybody. Anybody with even a minimum online presence in today’s surveillance/soci…

    • Our Readers by: Dr. Michael Sosteric

      May 2, 2011, 13:30

      Who is interested in Sociology? Why, everybody! We’ve got men, women, undecideds, elementary school students, university students, professors and professionals.…

    • Nuclear Nightmares: Damned Lies about the World’s “Safest” Energy Source by: Timothy McGettigan

      April 7, 2011, 04:12

      Implausible as it may seem, as the Fukushima Daiichi disaster has grown ever more cataclysmic, nuclear energy advocates have come out of the woodwork to tout…

    • Cultural Elite or Imperialist Justifications by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      September 27, 2010, 12:10

      We are the cultural and political elite of this world. We believe our society is the pinnacle of evolutionary development (what is better than “democracy”…

    • Corporations, Governments and Consumers – The Unholy Trinity of Inequality by: Anna Brix Thomsen

      October 6, 2010, 04:25

      According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, some 36 million people (mostly women and children) die every year from preventable hunger.…

    • The State of the Art: A Comprehensive Review of Textbooks in Social Problems by: lutzkaelber

      February 15, 2011, 14:55

      A review of currently available social problems textbooks by Lutz Kaelber, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA.

  • Category: Theory  (2)
    • Functionalism 2.0 – Rethinking an America Tradition of Conservative Thought  by: SGerardi

      June 7, 2010, 12:14

      Functionalism has long had a bad name in sociology as the handmaiden of elite interests, justifying all manner of inequality and power abuse by implying (and…

    • The Performance of Adolescent Stigma  by: Colin and Sofia Schlossman

      October 12, 2010, 11:00

      We live in a violent world, but it is not just physical violence we endure. We also endure psychological violence and nowhere is that more obvious then when we…

    • Category: Symbolic Interactionism  (1)
  • Category: Uncategorized  (3)
    • Nuclear Nightmares: Damned Lies about the World’s “Safest” Energy Source by: Timothy McGettigan

      April 7, 2011, 04:12

      Implausible as it may seem, as the Fukushima Daiichi disaster has grown ever more cataclysmic, nuclear energy advocates have come out of the woodwork to tout…

    • Pouring Gas on the Fire: Chavez Reaches out to Qaddafi by: Timothy McGettigan

      March 4, 2011, 13:04

      Libya is being torn apart by an intransigent tyrant who can’t see the writing on the wall. If Qaddafi can no longer remain in power, then he has decided to…

    • Civil Society in times of crisis by: Alex Afouxenidis

      April 19, 2011, 04:44

      21st century global society is undergoing a period of profound economic crisis and transition. During the past twenty years or so, especially after the fall of…

  • Category: Violence in Society  (1)

    Exploring emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual violence

  • Category: Writing tips  (1)