Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
There are no translations available.
This organization and navigation of this site is relatively straightforward and self explanatory. There are three basic menu areas, left side right side, and top (content and copyright links appear in the footer).
The top menu (top right) provides links to general site resources like a guestbook, site map, FAQ, forums, Spiritwiki, a news page, and so on. You’ll also find a link to a page that lists currently available book translations and a link to LP friends (i.e. websites of people who subscribe to LP spiritual principles and practice these principles in their social, economic, and political life).
The left side menu contains the main Lightning Path links and resources. These are organized under the MAIN MENU tab and the LP Curricula tab. The Main Menu tab has some general information about the LP, and about me. The LP Curricula tab contains a graded organization of LP materials. Note, in order avoid overwhelming new visitors, the LP Curricula tab (and several other menu items) are only visible to registered users who are logged in. You can register and login via the login form either in the right side men tabs, or at the bottom of the page, right hand side.
The right side menu contains various site resources. There you can see who is online, the latest site news, latest forms posts, the post popular pages on the site, the latest comments, a site statistics tab a link to Google’s translation function, and so on. Google does a terrible job of translating pages, but it is often enough for you to get an idea of things.
Once you are registered and logged in, the full array of menus will open up for you. In addition, when you log in you will also presented with a profile menu. You can also find your profile by clicking USER MENU on the right hand side. Your profile contains a listing of your recent forum posts, a place where you can put some information about yourself, a facility for uploading a site avatar, and so on. You can also send private messages to other users by navigating to their profiles, or by responding to messages already in your inbox. Note, most profile features, like private email, are available to site subscribers only.
There is a lot you can do on this site, and a lot of information available. You can either approach the information systematically by following along by first reading the MAIN MENU items (LP Theory, LP Symbols), and then the LP CURRICULA (menu available to registered users) or in a more intuitive and random fashion by browsing the RESOURCES tab on the right hand side. I recommend a systematic approach because the various levels of LP are designed to fit together and build upon one another. Having said that, you will find yourself going back and forth, reading and re-reading the materials (especially the books) so if you want to take a more intuitive approach, feel free. If you do find yourself struggling with some of the materials and the INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED levels, then go back and study through the CORE. None of the intermediate or advanced materials are difficult if you have built the proper foundation.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks you for your attention and welcome home!
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