Summer Snow « The Socjournal

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Summer Snow – A peace novel

A perfect book for any critical social science class or humanities class. Hathaway skillfully weaves multiple issues into an engaging tapestry of enlightenment. Published by Avatar Publications

[amazonify]097384423X:right[/amazonify]In an era of constant war and aggression, William T. Hathaway provides a peaceful breath of air.  An awesome book for any social science educator wanting to present a fresh and alternative view to the constant media hype about war, democracy, aggression, and patriarchy.

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What Happens When a Society Succumbs to the Mass Insanity of Warfare?

SUMMER SNOW is a peace novel set amidst the war on terrorism as a US warrior falls in love with a Sufi Muslim and learns from her an alternative to the military mentality. While Special Forces battle al-Qaeda, the escalating violence threatens their future together and the lives of thousands. To save them, the Sufis use ancient techniques designed to bring peace to the collective consciousness and end war. But can they make them work in time?

A tale of love in the shadow of destruction, SUMMER SNOW blends romance, adventure, and mystic wisdom to communicate its theme that higher consciousness is more effective than violence and that women may be more able than men to lead us there.

The book also portrays how patriarchal machismo causes war and other social pathologies. “Understanding the effects that our culturally imposed gender roles have on us is crucial to understanding why we go to war,” author William T. Hathaway states. “One attraction of war is that it is a substitute for eroticism; it is the ultimate sexual perversion. It also reduces our ability to love. Our society has degraded masculinity into a deadly toxin. It’s poisoned us all. Men have to confront this part of themselves before men and women together can heal it.”

In writing SUMMER SNOW, Hathaway drew on his experiences during a year and a half in Central Asia.

A former Special Forces officer turned peace writer and activist, he is also the author of A WORLD OF HURT (Rinehart Foundation Award), CD-RING, and RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War. He wrote the screenplay for SOCRATES, an educational film starring Ed Asner that was broadcast on PBS. A selection of his writing is available at

The first three chapters are reprinted at

SUMMER SNOW is published by Avatar Publications.

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Posted by Dr. Michael Sosteric on July 30, 2010.

Categories: Book Reviews