Take the reader survey « The Socjournal

Take the Socjourn survey

From a monthly unique hit rate of just under 6,000, the Socjourn has grown, in less than a year, to over 30,000 unique hits a month, a quarter of a million page hits, and close to 1 million hits per month. We know you like us, and we want to know who you are. Please take a few moments to fill out our readership demographic survey.  It is short and sweet and there’s even a space for you to add your own thoughts about The Socjourn. Speak up, speak out, and be counted.

** Take the Reader Survey**

Not so Fine print

We will not sell survey information to a third party, associate this information with other information in marketing, databases, associate this with your profile or identity, email you, spam you,  attempt to undermine your boundaries, or otherwise use this information for any purpose other than learning for ourselves who is reading The Socjourn and why.

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Posted by Dr. Michael Sosteric on October 6, 2010.

Categories: Announcements, The Lightning Strike