The Book of Light Volume One – LP Core Books –


The Book of Light is a combined cosmology and theology that provides you with non-abusive, non-hierarchical, inclusive, and empowering information on God, god, the cosmos, and you. The book discusses the nature of God (and god), the nature of consciousness, the nature of creation, the emergence of dimensions (time, space, etc.), the levels of the unfolding, the problem of ennui and much more. Many “old world” spiritual concepts are redefined and several new philosophical and cosmological concepts (like The Fabric of Consciousness, The Unfolding of Creation) are introduced to the consciousness of this planet for the very first time.

This book does away with all old world theology and cosmology and presents you with the capital “T” truths of creation. If you are concerned to know the full nature of creation and the empowering truth about you, this is the place to start.

Available from: (see side links),, as part of the Lightning Path Core Package Deal (either as eBooks or print), and as an individual book* through the LP Store. Note, volume discounts of between 40% and 50% apply through the Lightning Path store.