The Book of Light Volume Three – LP Advanced Books –

Tagalog (Philippines)

As outrageous as this may sound to some people, in volume three of The Book of Light I provide a complete integration of science and spirit. As readers will recall, volume one of The Book of Light opens with my trademark phrase consciousness is the root of all things. Volume three demonstrates why this is true by showing how the physical universe (i.e. particles of matter) arise from spiritual consciousness. This volume of the Book of Light lays the foundation for vibrational physics, and moves science beyond the dualistic thinking which it inherits from it’s religious past.

Building on the foundations of the previous two volumes, volume three provides a complete and unified theory of consciousness and creation (a super GUT) upon which to build a new science of spirit and creation. Volume three sets the stage for the fourth and final volume of this cosmological and theological treatise which deals with the emergence and ascension of life.

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Last Updated on Saturday, 10 April 2010 16:39