– The Obama “I told you so” thread –

But aren’t we the system, and the only true change we can make is within? Aren’t Obama and his colleagues able to rise to the occasion, I don’t think so. Everybody has been told that Obama is a lightworker. I don’t believe that. I believe he’s working for The System. He’s part of the problem. Miracles do happen of course, but I think if a miracle is gong to happen here, it’s not going to issue from the office of the president. And what would you suggest we do as lightworkers, start a revolutionary movement, plan a coup?

No way. That won’t work. It never has and it never will. When you do that you are operating purely and 100 percent within The System. All violence and all hatred and all duality MUST BE RULED OUT. It’s a false flag to think that the American government doesn’t like it when terrorists act. They love it. it gives them an excuse to go pound on someone. It gives them an excuse to invoke and strengthen duality. So to do that would be to play right in their hands. I think we need a spiritual solution and I think that spiritual solution starts with the LP Core which, as people have, does the wonderful thing of making it obvious that people have power. The whole point of the Dossier of the Ascension and the Great Invocation is to heal the physical unit enough so that it can empower enough so that people see the truth. That’s only the start though.

But how would a nuclear holocaust wake anyone up? It’d just add to doom, destruction, despair, pain and more suffering. All those things hold back awakening and make us more sleepy. It’s so easy to get stuck in our pain and depression, those patterns aren’t going away after a nuclear holocaust. That’s true. A third world war is no guarantee of global awakening. I agree that we have to quit allowing ourselves to be led, and we have to be more vocal and take action and act from a place of personal power. Finding the best outlet for that kind of action is something we could do right now, rather than standing on the sidelines expecting the worst. Personally, I really don’t know how best to do that at this point. I think we are doing what we can at this point. We have carved out a little spot of cyberspace and built a very strong presence. We’re still working on it but even what we have done so far is a big deal. This is a true spot of unity and truth and we need to expand this. I think what Mei suggested is right. We should start talking about how we’ve been changed by the LP. I’ve started to talk about it now. I think that would be the next step.

I honestly believe we just have to stand here and wait. We keep doing what we are doing. I’ll keep providing resources to help people understand what’s happening to them, and how to awaken and empower, and everybody else can learn how to use these resources to help others. That’s were we have to put our intent. And then we just have to wait. People will eventually see through the ruse and when they do that it is incredibly important that there be a place where they can come to learn the truth. I want this place to be that place. I want this place to be the place to come for the truth on how to awaken, empower, and transform this planet. But I can’t do that alone. This is something that you and the others here have to do.

People will come. As soon as they start to realize just how much disinformation is out there, they’ll start to find their way here by the millions. We need to be ready for that. m