– The Obama “I told you so” thread –

This person has absoute faith in Obama’s integrity and heart as an individual – but also has little faith in the machinations and integrity of the US political system. I too, have absolute faith in Obamas integrity and heart as an individual, as a person as a PU filled with consciousness, but i do not like the way he has been used and will be manipulated by the ptb Manny collegues and acquaintences over the election campaign expressed fear for Obama’s safety is he were elected. Some went as far to say that they could not vote for him because they feared that racist fundamentalists would shoot him rather than see a black president. They know his family, his children… they know how it would devastate that family. They also know how that would devastate the public In my opinion by talking of WW3 or nuclear exchanges as if they were a foregone conclusion is helping create them.

It certainly does thats why we don’t want to give our energy to that. Viewed realistically, if the PTB continue on with their “plan” the likelihood of these events seem almost “inevitable” and that is why it is crucial for us to speed things up and do everything within our power to stop it and make sure we play our part in a global awakening before this can happen. We have to get people to open their eyes so they can see it for themselves We can’t just ignore that likelihood in the hope that if we don’t focus on it it might go away , because it won’t. We have the power to change things so that is what we have to do

By talking of fears for Obama’s life it is feeding the fear by which the System maintains control.

my poiny exactly, and the last thing we want to do it feed fear which in my opinion is exactly was a nuclear bomb would do, no only would that maintain their control it would strengthen it, reinforce it, and expand it too By putting the fate of the world on the shoulders of a man who by necessity of his position must operate in a System that has over many years been fine-tuned to protect the elite is giving away our power to bring more love into the world with every breath, every act and every thought – and believe it matters. Therefore the more people we can get to wake up and see that, the more chance we have of getting them to stop giving away their power. the more chance we have of teaching them to reclaim it, and using it to manefest a world of love not hatred and violence Obama is a man whose path has led him to make an impact in a way that up to now would have been the unthinkable. By the very fact of his election, he has shown how much things can change, how impossible becomes possible, and how speaking to people’s hearts has the power to reshape history. Powerful shifts. Even if that is his only legacy that’s pretty impressive in my book. ;D what’s pretty impressive in my book is that we can all do the same. ;D ;D We all do what we’re led or called to do in our own ways if we are conscious or “awake”. One thing that has stood out to me in the LP books I’ve read is how we have the power when we align with our divinity to manifest. Personally I’m choosing to manifest in my home, family, circle of friends and community a way of being where everyone is valued, everyone has enough and the inter-relatedness of ourselves, all living things and our earth is honoured. yay !!! I`ll go along with that , Lets all do that on a global scale much love to you Isis

Angie x x