– The Obama “I told you so” thread –

Hi Kendar,
I am sorry Michael if I am breaking the forums’ rules, Here are Da Rules lightworker.michaelsharp.org/about-these-forums/*-da-rules/ so you can make yourself aware of them, and before you do much more posting can you please also check out the rules regarding posting external links here lightworker.michaelsharp.org/about-these…ting-external-links/ and if you would be so good as to introduce yourself here lightworker.michaelsharp.org/introductions/ just tell us a bit about yourself, and how you arrived at the forum, whether you have read Michael’s books and if so which ones.

Now I don’t want to be challenging with you straight away here Kendar but what you are saying here really does not fit well with Michael’s teachings

Let’s just accept what is. If you are alive at this point in time and experiencing the current events as they are unfolding, it is because you chose to come here, by choice, to do just this. This includes Obama. There are no accidents, coincidences, or miracles. Everything is unfolding as it should through Divine Plan. All is therefore perfect. as all is clearly not perfect with the world, and this is just the sort of thinking that can easily fool us into continuing to support all the suffering and horrors and starvation that are all too real.Yes there is still duality here, and I think whilst operating under the veil that is how it will mostly remain until we achieve universal ascension. Love and Light
