– The Obama “I told you so” thread –

Hi All, I came into these forums looking for answers. Hi, Kenda: If “loving what is” is what you believe in, what answer is there to look for? Believe me, I was one of the biggest believers and practioners of “accepting what is”. What I found is that there is this deep truth in this phrase, but it is also hugely misleading.

From accepting what is during meditation, I was able to resolve my old conditioned self bit by bit, layer by layer. Many stuff kept coming out and surface for me to work on, deal with, and then resolve. Then comes the real power from within.

But this really is only most effective in the very first stage of meditation, and the purpose is not to accept it. It is by accepting what you feel in you, you are able to bring the deepest secret and emotions or suffering of you on to the surface, and then deal with it. If we teach people to just accept what happens in their day to day life or feelings, it is not only very hard to do, but it will also back fire, from our conditioned and subborn old self. It is also easily interpreted as accepting all the suffering in the world. What they really need to teach first is to find that true power and true self in them, from there you are able to let your power come out, and then help others to see their power and change the world.

Back then I was in my own zone for a very long time, and did not know how to expand the use of that power that I find, until I come upon Michael’s teaching.