The Obama “I told you so” thread – Michael Sharp Forums

Sorry for the sucky title of this thread, but I want to start a new Obama thread where we can discuss what is happening with. As I said in the other thread on Obama, I had serious doubts about whether Obama would represent any real change. In fact I said, he’s part of The System and as such will do what he is told pretty much without question. Here are my original comments

Here’s what I think is going on with Obama. Obama really is a nice guy. He’s got every intention of changing things and leading people. Everybody who is tapping into this is excited and at a certain level, Obama believes. He is sincere and so anybody connecting with that will get this and be excited. Personally, I believe he will make several positive changes. I don’t think he’s going to revolutionize anything, but I do see positive changes coming. The problem here is Obama himself probably doesn’t realize the exact nature of The System yet. And why should he? He’s just a regular sleepyhead who lives in the same illusion as everyone else. But so what. In the bigger scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter if he wants to do this little thing for credit card debt or that little thing with medicare. And besides, after this trillion dollar bank bailout, his hands are financially tied. How much is he going to be able to do? Where’s the money going to come from? And if he did do something a little nice for the people of America, big deal. There’s a bigger process going on here and that is the his whole middle east thing. Like I said, he was picked because of his Muslim root and his potential poster boy status for nuclear holocaust. And of course he’s going to do it when the time comes. It will orchestrated in such a way that his hands will be tied. Iran will test a nuclear bomb, the American media will go into propaganda overdrive talking about how they are going to sink New York, and it will just unfold in that way.

So this morning I watched two snippets of American news. One was Karl Rove gushing over the Obama appointments and telling the interviewer how there was going to be “continuity” in American policy. Wow. I’d like to say I am surprised, but I’m not. Then, I heard another news cast about a new “intelligence” report suggesting that the world could expect a large scale nuclear or biological attack within the next five years. So it certainly looks like it’s going in the direction I said it would. The thing that pisses me off here is how disillusioned and disempowered people are going to be as Obama et. al. systematically dismantle people’s hope and dreams. It’s a huge sucker punch to the solar plexus and heart chakras. If this goes like I think it will, it will be just like that whole October 14 Light Ship nonsense that we criticized here as well. It’s “by design.” It’s planned. It is a way to shut down the awakening of this planet by creating so much despair and disillusion in people that they only thing they’ll want to do is lie down and accept that nothing will ever change on this world. Of course I don’t believe that’s true. I think we are on the cusp of change. But I really do believe people are going to have to stop being so naive about the depth and breadth of political, social, and economic corruption. Not to mention that we really need to start reaffirming a basic LP mantra TRUTH WITH NO COMPROMISE. As long as we keep feeding energy to disinformation agents, whether they are aware they are disinformation agents or not, things are just going to continue to spiral down towards what the intelligence report says is an “inevitable” nuclear strike. somebody please tell me I’m wrong. m