The Socjournal » Suffering

Jan 17th, 2011 | By Anna Brix Thomsen

Iisms and Schisms and postmodern standpoints. We live in spineless world were we all “go along” just to get along and where “playing the game” (i.e. complying with social conventions, avoiding confrontation, and letting the status quo exist unchallenged) is seen as a sign of virtue rather than a character weakness. We bend over for The System, but is the plum we get for being the good boy or girl really worth it. In a world characterized by the destructive excesses of our consumer capitalist society, perhaps its time to re-evaluate our perspectives and begin living according to principles, values, and core Truths once again.

Jan 16th, 2011 | By Anna Brix Thomsen

Morality – Has it ever occurred to you how difficult it is to be a good person? In fact it seems that even the best people amongst us, cannot be good all the time – how many times have we not heard of priests, ministers, politicians or soccer moms, whom everyone around them, saw as
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Oct 6th, 2010 | By Anna Brix Thomsen

According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, some 36 million people (mostly women and children) die every year from preventable hunger. Who is to blame for this situation? According to Anna, we all are. Corporations and governments manipulate the global economies for the benefit of wealthy corporations and individuals and we, the masses, plug into the television, get our daily dose of indoctrination, and feed our bodies with a consumer intravenous, bloating up and dying of obesity as a result. It’s time to quit playing the game of separation and start working on the problem together else Gaia may fail and or our days of wine and roses may be over.

** World Hunger **