Tim Hutchcraft | The Socjournal

The first article I wrote for the SocJournal set the tone for my general opinion in regards to social media and online “friends.”  I discussed the concept of cyber “friends” with a dear friend of mine when he offered up a “lesson learned” story which had recently taken place. To steal a phrase from Estelle […]

Tim Hutchcraft | May 31, 2011 | Comments 0

Is it really possible to have 800 “friends.” Does connecting through FaceBook really mean you’re connected in life? Or does the proliferation of one-click social media really represent the emasculation OF human social contact? Like the reduction of human marriage to the consumerist frenzy of the marriage ceremony, new technologies do not necessarily mean a better life, better friends, or deeper connection. In fact, perhaps exactly the opposite. New social media elevate superficial social display to epic proportions and neuter the supportive and transformative potential of authentic human relations. Viva la revolution… NOT!

Tim Hutchcraft | Apr 24, 2011 | Comments 3