Untitled Document

    1. E. Dieffenbach, Travels in New Zealand, Vol. 2, London, 1843, p. 142.

    2. Normanby to Hobson, 14, 15 August 1839, in Great Britain Parliamentary Papers (GBPP) 1840, Vol. 23, pp. 37-40.

    3. Ibid.

    4. Letter from Viscount Palmerston, Foreign Secretary in Lord Melbourne’s Cabinet, to W. Hobson, 13 August 1839, cited in T. Buick, The Treaty of Waitangi or, How New Zealand Became a British Colony, Wellington, 1936, p. I.

    5. H. Labouchere to W. Hutt, I May 1839, in GBPP 1840, (238), Vol. 33, p. 26.

    6. J. Stephen to H. Labouchere, 15 March 1939, cited in W. D. McIntyre and W. J. Gardiner, (eds.),Speeches and Documents on New Zealand History, Oxford, 1971, pp. 8- 10.

    7. Ibid.

    8. J. Stephen to A. Y. Speerman, 13 June 1839, in GBPP 1840, (238), Vol. 33, p. 32.

    9. G. J. Pennington to J. Stephen, 22 June 1839, in GBPP 1840, (238), Vol. 33, p. 33.

    10. Treasury Minute, 19 July 1839, in GBPP 1840, (238), Vol. 33, pp. 34-5.

    11. Normanby to the Attorney General, 30 May 1829, cited in R.McNab, Historical Records of New Zealand, Vol. 1, Wellington, 1908, pp. 739-40.

    12. Ibid.

    13. Grandville to Russell, 12 January 1852, P.R.O. 30/29/18 Part 1, cited in K. Bourke, The Foreign Policy of Victorian England 1830 – 1902, Selected Documents, Oxford, 1970, p. 310-12.

    14. H. Labouchere to Hutt, I May 1839, GBPP 1840, Vol. 23, p. 613.

    15. P. G. McHugh, in W. Renwick, (ed.), Sovereignty and Indigenous Rights: The Treaty of Waitangi in International Contexts, Wellington, 1991, p. 177.

    16. Ibid.

    17. Normanby to Hobson, 14, 15 August 1839, in GBPP 1840, Vol. 23, pp. 37-40.

    18. Ibid.

    19. I. C. Campbell, ‘British Treaties with Polynesians in the Nineteenth Century’, in W. Renwick (ed), p. 73.

    20. Cited in Waitangi Tribunal, Orakei Claim, Wai-9.

    21. W. R. Jourdain, Land Legislation and Settlement in New Zealand, Wellington, 1925.p. 55.

    22. D. V. Williams, ‘The Foundation of Colonial Rule in New Zealand, inNew Zealand Universities Law Review, Vol. 13, 1988, p. 72.

    23. Ibid.

    24. D. Coates, in GBPP 1838, Vol. 680, pp. 268-72.

    25. J. Flatt, Submission to Select Committee of House of Lords, 1838, cited in A. Ward,.,A Show of Justice: Racial Amalgamation in Nineteenth Century New Zealand, Toronto, 1973, p. 32.

    26. J. Stephen to J. Backhouse, 12 December 1838, in GBPP 1840, (238), Vol. 33, p. 3.

    27. J. Rutherford, The Treaty of Waitangi and the Acquisition of British Sovereignty in New Zealand, 1840, Auckland, 1949, p. 41.

    28. Proclamations of 30 January 1840 in GBPP 1840, (560) Vol. 33, p. 8.

    29. Cited in 1. J. Hetherington, New Zealand: Its Political Connection with Great Britain, Vol. I, London, 1926, p. 139.

    30. I. C. Campbell, p- 67

    31. J. Rutherford, pp. 46 & 49.

    32. Report from W. Hobson to R. Bourke, 8 August 1837, GBPP 1837-8, Vol. 40, pp. 3-5.

    33. Ibid.

    34. Hobson to Bourke, 9 September 1837, in GBPP 1840, Vol. 23, pp. 594-7

    35. G. Clarke, Notes on Early Life in New Zealand, Hobart, 1903, p. 36.

    36. Hobson to Bourke, 9 September 1837, in GBPP 1840, Vol. 23, pp. 594-7.

    37. Hobson to Glenelg, 21 January 1839, C.O. 209/4, p. 92.

    38. Proclamation of W. Hobson, Korareka, 30 January 1840, in GBPP 1840, (560), Vol. 33, p. 8.

    39. Ibid.

    40. See Article 33 of the Vienna Convention on Treaties 1969.

    41. W. Hobson, cited in W. Colenso, The Authentic and Genuine Signing of he Treaty of Waitangi, Wellington, 1890, (Capper reprint), pp. 12-13.

    42. Ibid.

    43. Ibid.

    44. F. Mathew,’The Founding of New Zealand’, in The Journals of Felton Mathew. First Surveyor-General of New Zealand and His Wife, 1840 -1847, I. Rutherford (ed.), Dunedin, 1940, p. 34.

    45. Ibid.

    46. T. Bunbury, Reminiscences of a Veteran, Vol. 3, London, 1861, p. 120.

    47. Hobson to Gipps, 5 February 1840, GBPP 1841, Vol. 17, cited in W. P. Morrell 8c K. N. Bell, (eds.),Select Documents on British Colonial Policy 1830 -1860, Oxford, 1968, pp. 559-561.

    48 Hobson to Williams, 23 March 1840, MS 91/75, Auckland Institute and Museum Library.

    49 Russell to Hobson, 30 March 1841, in T. Bunbury, p. 124.

    50. W. Swainson, New Zealand and its Colonisation, London, 1859, pp. 358-60, 364-5.

    51. Hobson, cited in C. Terry, New Zealand, Its Advantages and Prospects as a British Colony, London, 1842, pp. 50-1.

    52. Russell to Hobson, 17 April, C. O. 209/7.

    53. Governor, Browne, 25 May 1861, in Appendices to the Journal of the House of Representatives, 1861, E-3A.

    54. Hobson to Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, 15 October 1840, in GBPP 1841, vol. 17, p. 113.

    55. C. Terry, p. 218.

    56. Hobson to Under Secretary of State for the Colonial Office, 15 August 1839, in R.McNab, (ed.), Historical Records of New Zealand, Vol. I, Wellington, 1908, pp. 750-53.

    57. Russell to Hobson, January 1841, cited in C. Terry, p. 222.

    58. D. V. Williams, ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Unique Relationship Between Crown and Tangata Whenua?’ in 1. H. Kawharu, (ed.), Waitangi: Maori and Pakeha Perspectives of the Treaty of Waitangi, p. 68.

    59. For details on how the British Government suppressed Quaife’s opposition, see, P. Moon, Barzillai Quaife: An Early Advocate of Indigenous Land Rights in New Zealand and Victim of Censorship, in The Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 32, No. 2, Sydney, 1997, pp. 234-242.

    60. B. Quaife, The Bay of Islands Observer, 10 March 1842.

    61. Letter from B. Quaife to A. Wells, Kororareka, 14 March 1842, cited in P. Kennett, Unsung Hero: Barzillai Quaife, Palmerston North, 1991, p. 26.

    62. Prendergast, CJ, Wi Parata v Bishop of Wellington, 1877, cited in D. V. Williams, p. 72.

    63. E. Dieffenbach, Travels in New Zealand, Vol. 2, London, 1843, p. 142.

    64. G. Clarke, p. 46.

    65. C. Terry, pp. 98-99.

    66. McNair, ‘The Law of Treaties’, second edition, London, 1961, in Harris, D. J., Cases and Materials on International Law, Second Edition, London, 1979, p. 121.

    67. G. Clarke, pp 46-7.

    68. Russell to Hobson, 9 December 1840, in GBPP 1841, Vol. 17, p. 523.

    69. D. V. Williams, p. 79.

    70. Rewa, cited in J. Caselberg (ed.), Mnori is My Name: Historical Maori Writings in Translation, Dunedin, 1975, p. 45.

    71. A. Ngata, The Treaty of Waitangi: An Explanation, M. R Jones (trans.), Wellington, 1922, p. 5.

    72. Mohi Tawhai, Hokianga, 12 February 1840, cited in J. Caselberg, p. 48.

    73. Unknown chief, cited in J.1. Hetherington, Vol. J. p. 136.

    74. Aperahama Taonui, Hokianga, 12 February 1840, cited in J. Caselberg, p. 47.

    75. H. Williams, cited in H. Carleton, The Life of Henry Williams, Archdeacon of Waimate, Auckland, 1874, p. 313.

    76. S. Marsden, cited in T. L. Buick, p. 10.

    77. W. Hobson, cited in W. Colenso, The Authentic and Genuine Signing of he Treaty of Waitangi, Wellington, 1890, (Capper reprint), p. 33.

    78. Anonymous Ngapubi chief, cited in F. E. Manning, Old New Zealand, Christchurch, 1906, pp. 223-5.

    79. W. Colenso, cited in T. L. Buick, p. 155.

    80. J. I Hetherington, Vol. 1,p. 135.

    81. C. Wilkes, Narrative of the United States Exploring Expeditions, Vol. 2, Philadelphia, 1845, p. 376.

    82. Rawiri Tiro, Kaitaia Missions Station, 28 April 1840, cited in J. Caselberg, p. 49.

    83. Waitangi Tribunal, Ngai Tahu Land Report, Wai-271.

    84. T. Bunbury, p. 96.

    85. Cited in J.1. Hetherington, p. 139.