War Memoir of Robert Ellwood

Ellwood: Did I ever tell you what my opinion of the evacuation was?

Turnbull: No, you didn’t

Ellwood: Do you mind if we digress?

Turnbull: Not at all.

Ellwood: I am of the opinion that it was not as it is written. that we escaped from the Peninsula by magnificent strategy or tactics or whatever you like to call it. there isn’t the slightest doubt in my mind that the Turk knew every movement that went on in our part of the line. And as for saying that we got away without loss and without the Turk knowing about it and all this paraphernalia that attached to the evacuation – in my estimation it is all baloney. Now my reason for saying that is this: I had a friend a chap named Stone, Harry Stone. He was a signaller. and about a fortnight before the evacuation begun, it didn’t take place suddenly and over in five minutes. It took quite some time. He along with other signallers from other show were seconded to the Argid – and that’s the headquarters of the whole business and the origin signallers were sent out into the units about ten days or a fortnight. and then they were returned back to their units and Harry Stone told me that our GOC was in communications by wire less with Cemopacha and you can take your own put your own interruption on it. Personally, mine and its mine it may be of value it may not be – is the whole thing the Turk was just as pleased to see us go off the peninsula as we were to go off. And as for saying that he didn’t know we went off was all my eye and brother Murphy. That’s my candid opinion. Probably destroying a very nice fanciful piece of warfare but that’s my opinion of it.

Turnbull: incredible.

Ellwood: I’m sorry I’ve disturbed you.

Turnbull: No No that’s fine. that’s fine. Certainly very interesting. I have never heard that one before.