- Ever wonder what happened to postmodernism?
- Good Science explains why postmodernism went down in flames
- Where no one has gone before…
- NASA scientists have redefined reality by transforming humans from earth-dwellers into planet-hopping extra-terrestrials.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Scientists, such as Marvin Minsky and Raymond Kurzweil, are working to transform computers from passive information processors into artificially-sentient beings.
- Many of the most amazing scientific truths have begun as fantasies.
- For example, Martin Cooper, the inventor of the cell phone, claims that he was inspired to invent the wireless telephone after watching Captain Kirk use a handheld communicator on Star Trek!
- Also, Aubrey de Grey, the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Foundation, insists that death will soon be a remediable malady.
- Indeed, de Grey has famously stated that the first person to live to 1,000 is already sixty years old.
4. Good Science operates at the intersection between fantasy and reality
- There is a dynamic interrelationship between fantasy and reality
- Jules Verne’s fictional submarine, the Nautilus, helped to inspire the first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus.
- Captain Kirk’s fictional conversations with the Starship Enterprise’s shipboard computer inspired David Ferrucci to develop Watson, IBM’s peerless Jeopardy! champion.