Why subscribe – General – The Great Awakening – Awaken, Empower, Ascend

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So you’re thinking about subscribing and supporting this work? Well thank you! We need all the help we can get if we are to succeed in our goal of finally and irrevocably ridding this world of The System. But if the global emancipation of consciousness is not enough to tip you in favour of support, here are some additional reasons for you to consider while making your decision to support or not to support.

Truth with a capital “T”

One reason, perhaps the best reason, to subscribe and support this work is that the LP has a no compromise approach to truth. We understand that during the rapidly accelerating disintegration of the “old world,” you want clear, concise, and authentic spiritual guidance and that is what we provide. The Truth, no compromise and no strings attached is our motto. See the LP position statement for an explanation.

Access to book drafts

A lot of the more advanced Lightning Path material is still in draft form and will remain so for at least the foreseeable future. By subscribing you get access to all draft materials as they become available. This is particularily beneficial for those wanting to move forward faster, or who need additional information to help them provide guidance and support for those around them (very important if your family and friends are struggling).

Access to the Intermediate and Advanced materials

A lot of the materials on the Lightning Path are not in book form. Parables, topical articles, resources to help you learn the art and science of “discernment,” course materials, audio meditations,  videos (eventuall), chat transcripts, etc. all provide additional information and foundation to support your awakening and empowerment. Because of the advanced nature of much of this material, and because they do require a certain level of understanding (which you gain from studying the introductory materials) and committment (which you gain by connecting and “giving back”) to this path, many of these materials are “subscriber only.”

Access to the Sharp Perspective

The Sharp perspective is my life and times blog. In it I comment about issues and global events as they pertain to the LP, elaborate on LP concepts and techniques, etc. Many of these posts are public, but some of them, i.e. the ones that assume broad familarity with basic or intermediate level LP concepts and technique (and that therefore provide “advanced” level discourse) are for subscribers only.

Awesome Support

Thank you Michael, Lorraines, Greta, Weebo, Liz, and so many others for your support your love and your faith. I am especially grateful to Michael for creating this space and for teaching me so much and for untangling my knots and ensuring the energy in this space is so clean and full of integrity. And to Lorraines who has been so patient and helpful to me. I just wanted you all to feel how full of gratitude I am for this community.  Thank you all forum members!

If there is one thing that will become clear to you have experimenting with the LP Core materials is that spirituality is not all crystals and yummy feelings. Filling up the cup has consequences, first of all for you as you begin to clear the muck and mud of 10,000 years of spiritual sleep and indoctrination, and second of all for others around you who may, without their knowing, come face to face with their own fear and blockages as your power increases. Subscribing gets you access to our support forums and online live chat opportunities, where you can ask questions, get guidance, connect with a geographically dispersed, but growing community, of individual interested in authentic spiritual transformation, and generally find the support you need to keep moving forward. The old ship is sinking and you want to be off it before it sinks beneath the waves forever and ever, amen. Because of our “no compromise” position, you can have faith in the guidance you get from LP mentors and community members.

The chance to talk with likeminded people

The LP forums are great for support, but the forums are also a place for social discourse. If this isn’t important to you now, it will be as time passes. The truth is, as you progress towards authentic awakening and empowerment you may become quite bored, perhaps even put off and hostile, towards the regular round of stereotyped, superficial, and scripted social “intercourse.”  As you progress with your own awakening and empowerment, you will see behind the facade to the meaningless nature of normal life. This discomfort is a consequence of authentic spiritual awakening and you may find it temporarily isolates you. Thus, until more people around you begin their own process of awakening and empowerment, and until you can find authentic connections, the LP forums can provide a place where you can talk to people going through the same awakening and empowerment process as you.

Redistribution rights

As a subscriber you also get “redistribution” rights. As long as you are subscribed, you have the right to give away the eBooks to family members or friends who you feel might benefit or who are ready to begin the process of awakening. This is a great way to support the awakening of others around you without requiring additional financial contributions.

The opportunity to support this work

Finally, by subscribing you support this work, and that’s nothing to sniff at.  If you derive benefit from this work, it is only fair. I’ve put literally thousands of hours into developing this material into a form that can support your rapid awakening and empowerment. I know there’s an Internet culture, and even expectation, that information should be provided for free, but frankly that’s a bit unreasonable. We all have families to feed, bills to pay, and lives to live and for every hour I spend providing this information, that’s one hour of my life gone. And while I’m not complaining, and I do love this work, if you utilize and benefit from the support and information, it is only fair to exchange a little bit of your labour for mine (see my free Rocket Guide to Money and the Economy for a discussion of the relationship between money, energy, and labour). If you like this work, if you derive benefit from it, or if you want to help get the message out faster, then exchange a little of your labour for mine.

Of course the easiest and best way to do this, in most circumstances, is by exchanging cash money. A modest financial exchange requires minimal commitment from you yet allows me to direct the energy that money represents in a fashion that I see fit (i.e. server and publication expenses, software costs, server hardware, etc.). However if you are uncomfortable with financial support, have a look at some other options for supporting this work that do not require a financial commitment. A little bit of energetic exchange, either in the form of cash or your own time and energy) is all I am asking from you.

And if you can’t afford it, or just don’t have the time or energy to help out, but still want access to the materials and support provided here, I understand. The door is open to all regardless of economic or social situation. Just This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and I will provide access no questions asked, and no strings attached. Please register on this site and include your username in your greeting email.

And that’s it. If you want to support this work, click this link.

Thank you and, as always, welcome home!