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A Note on Advertising

As you are aware, the EJS has recently decided to garner revenue through targeted advertising. I make this decision because appeals for donations have been singularly ineffective in generating any revenue to sustain publication. We have had only a single…

Electronic Journal of Sociology

Our leaders are murderers. They have unleashed a juggernaut of aggression through our world, crushing multitudes of soft, breathing human beings, creating more counter-violence at every turn, lumbering towards annihilation. The brutal men who rule us are too ignorant for…

Electronic Journal of Sociology

The EJS accepts advertising from journal and book publishers for items likely to be of interest to professionals and students of the social sciences and humanities. This may include textbooks, monographs, journal advertisements, fictional materials, software, etc. The EJS reserves…

Electronic Journal of Sociology

Cholpon sang as she hoed the earth by the honeydew melons, chopping the soil and heaping it up around the vines. The Sufi women working with her sang too; their voices swelled in unison, creating a vibrant hum that filled…