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Intertextuality and the Writing of Social Research

INTRODUCTION This paper explores postmodern social theory approaches to research writing. In particular I am interested in the possibilities which an emphasis on intertextuality can offer in the production of social research. Intertextuality is the process whereby one text[1] plays…

Higher Education in Transition

Roberto Rodriguez GomezCentro de Estudios Sobre la Universidad Coordinación de Humanidades Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mike SostericDepartment of Global and Social Analysis Athabasca University [email protected] An Agenda For Discussion Following the Second World War, higher education in Mexico…

To Sociological Research Online

Sociological Research Online, the first fully refereed sociology journal to be published on the Internet….Sociological Research Online is produced by a consortium of the British Sociological Association, the Universities of Surrey and Stirling and SAGE Publications, under the aegis of…