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War Memoir of Robert Ellwood

here – I forgot what the problem was at the time, but Parliament, no I can’t think, but it was something which I considered was wrong and Parliament agreed to it and I wrote to Charlie Adam and they made…


The Electronic Journal of Sociology (EJS), an international online refereed journal published on the Internet in both html and ascii formats, is now accepting manuscripts for consideration. Our online review produces very fast turn around in decisions and publication. We…


Dr. Andreas Schneider Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work Texas Tech University Holden Hall 161 Lubbock, TX 79409-1012, U.S.A. [email protected] Home Page [1994 – 1999]   Dr. Carl Cuneo Department of Sociology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario. Canada [email protected] Dr.…

EJS – Copyright Statement

The EJS is an academic publication. Its sole purpose is the dissemination of knowledge to as wide an audience as possible. Thus the EJS is free to individuals and institutions. Copies of this journal or articles in this journal may…

EJS Cudos Page My experience with EJS has been astounding. The online format of the journal made it possible to review my manuscript on a timetable that conventional journals will never be able to match. Anyone with an outstanding manuscript that has…

The Dialectic of the Knowledge Economy

KEYWORDS: MARXISM; DIALECTIC; COMPUTERS; INFORMATION; ECONOMY; KNOWLEDGE; LABOUR PROCESS; WORK It is now almost taken for granted that we are living in an economic era in which knowledge and information are of crucial importance in the creation of value. Many…