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Feynman’s Cosmic Onion : The Socjournal

Albert Einstein believed that the universe was created by a rational god; a god who would never presume to play dice with his precious creation. Einstein’s belief in a rational, knowable universe was rooted in a “clockwork” scientific philosophy that…

Timothy McGettigan : The Socjournal

As Darwin pointed out in the The Origin of Species (1859), species often exhibit enormous variation. Darwin was a pigeon breeder and described at length the astounding variation that, with the help of artificial selection, pigeon breeders had succeeded in cultivating in…

Browse Site : The Socjournal

Site Feeds Main RSS Feed Comments RSS Feed Pages Categories Monthly Archives Tags All Articles Technology-Enhanced Learning in Developing Nations: A review 15Mar13 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments It’s the end of the world as we know it…

William Hathaway | The Socjournal

There’s something wrong in the world today, and Sociologists know what it is. From the School of the America’s (website, Wikipedia) to the increasing gap between rich and poor, to the colonial wars of violent conquest conducted in the name…

Timothy McGettigan | The Socjournal

As Darwin pointed out in the The Origin of Species (1859), species often exhibit enormous variation. Darwin was a pigeon breeder and described at length the astounding variation that, with the help of artificial selection, pigeon breeders had succeeded in cultivating in…