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EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: Glossary

Glossary of Terms Baunscheidism: a form of therapy also known sometimes as an exanthematic method. It involves the puncture of skin with needles sufficient to create “artificial eruptions” through which the organism is relieved of the source of the disease.…

EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: Victoria

VICTORIA (13) COPE,– , Seymour.– Homeopathist. DANNE, Rev Richard V., Gurner-st., St. Kilda, Melbourne.– Congregational Minister. M. D. Med. Chir. Coll., Philadel., Pa., U.S.A. FISCHER, Samuel, Sandhurst.– Signs himself ” Prof. Samuel Fischer, Bauns-cheidtist, or Exanthematic method of healing.” He…

War Memoir of Robert Ellwood

Ellwood: We lived in our trench and in our funk holes or not in our funk holes in the trenches but we lived in our trench and the saps between our trench or the communication trenches between our trench and…

EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: Queensland

QUEENSLAND (8) [NOTE. Since August 1884, the Queensland Medical Board have declined to register any American Diploma whatsoever, unless certified to by an examination either at the Sydney or Melbourne University.] ELWORTHY, G. Townsend, Mount Perry. Med. Off. in charge…

EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: South Australia

Home: Articles: Philippa Martyr on Bruck © Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History SOUTH AUSTRALIA (33). BAILY, W. K., Mount Vivian. Pub. Vacc. BOLLEN, George, Port Adelaide. Lic. Hahnemann’s Coll., Chieago, U.S.A. Homeopathist. BRADY,–, Petersburg. Chemist. Propr. of…

EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: New Zealand

Home: Articles: Philippa Martyr on Bruck © Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History NEW ZEALAND (15) AYRES, R., Taranaki-st., Wellington. In partnership with Charles Fergusson, ” Specialist,” of Auckland. CAMPBELL, Frederick W., Totara Flat, Westland. Practitioner, schoolmaster, and…