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Show a little respect… | The Socjournal

Download Citation Abstract R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me… Dr. Michael Sosteric Department of Sociology Athabasca University The goal of the Socjourn is simple, revolutionize scholarly communication by helping to time-teleport it out of the Jurassic and back…

Many Worlds theory | The Socjournal

One can hardly broach the subject of agency without acknowledging the long-standing and unresolved philosophical debate regarding the agency vs. determination dichotomy. To provide an illustration of the extent of disagreement over this dualism, determinists, such as Stephen Hawking have…

determinist | The Socjournal

One can hardly broach the subject of agency without acknowledging the long-standing and unresolved philosophical debate regarding the agency vs. determination dichotomy. To provide an illustration of the extent of disagreement over this dualism, determinists, such as Stephen Hawking have…